Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)

  • RE: Renaming a procedure

    IMO - Its a bug!

    I complained to MS about this a couple of years ago and loads of other people have too (see MS Connect site) hence the document...

  • RE: STUFF - 2

    I think you misunderstand my point regarding the NULL and its referene in BOL.

    I said I was in favour of updating BOL to indicate more information about start=0 but I...

  • RE: STUFF - 2

    I 100% agree with all of you who commented on my earlier post.

    Please note though..

    Pedantically, NULL is not nothing but I said this in the descriptive rather than the literal....

  • RE: STUFF - 2

    How STUFF works!

    I hope this helps people who want more explanation about this initially quite odd function

    The whole of the RIGHT string will be INJECTED in to the LEFT string...

  • RE: Data Mining Introduction

    luis.torres 47140 (11/12/2012)

    At the last examples, shouldn't the probability to buy be 42%? The one you gave is the probability not to buy, right?

    I came here to point out the...

  • RE: How to join a local table to a remote table by way of a linked server

    Linked serverd id quite a big subject with the security levels, ditributed transactions etc.and I think this post could have gone in to a little more detail without detracting from...

  • RE: Returning 0's in a SUM (SQL Spackle)

    I feel the need to add a personal opinion here but please don't think I am saying there is a right or a wrong way. In the words of Dirty...

  • RE: Returning 0's in a SUM (SQL Spackle)

    There may be other ways but apart from using a dedicated number table rather than spt_values, this is exactly the way I do it.

    I am intrigued by the comment that...

  • RE: replication error converting date and/or time from character string

    I appreciate that the originators issue has been worked around by changing the table but what if this is not possible? Does anyone have an alternate solution to this.

    I too...

  • RE: Why doesn’t ISNUMERIC work correctly? (SQL Spackle)

    Very nice article. Well written and now added to my bookmarks.

    Thanks for sharing

    David Bridge

  • RE: Can I really drop that index?

    I think the question you you mainly want to hear answered is "Are invisible indexes a good idea? (for future sql server versions)".

    Personally, I like the idea as a rebuild...

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)