Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 235 total)

  • RE: Taking over the world

    Scare him,

    tell him about the slammer worm and give him some stats on how many of the machines are maintained to the latest patch release.


  • RE: iif(isempty(fieldName), 0, fieldName) not working

    You can use the  T-SQL   ISNUMERIC() function, it will return 0 for a space and 1 for a number.


  • RE: Join SQL needed to Update column


    I was wondering if what you are trying to achieve is to replace the GlobalProductID '201' items in TBL_B with non '201' items, using the fact that the OrderID is the link...

  • RE: How To Find SQL Server Objects

    Well I didn't know about  sp_MSforeachdb, and I didn't know you could press F4 in query analyzer to get an object search tool, so thanks to both of you...



  • RE: Query using IS NULL returns different rows each time!

    A couple of thoughts.

    Is the column indexed? Are the stats up to date?

    On a big table maybe out of date stats could give this sort of anomaly.


  • RE: Why am I getting a Blank form?

    Not sure how the forms you refer to are being generated. When I get this problem it is usually because I have forgotten to set the appropriate permissions on the...

  • RE: Single Point of Administration

    I agree whole-heartedly with the principle of this article. I have found that particularly where management or organization structure is involved, it is worthwhile writing UDFs or SPs unless you want...

  • RE: Removing embedded duplicate rows

    Or you could write a little UDF something like (assuming description is VARCHAR(40))

    CREATE FUNCTION udf_StripNumber (@strTestString VARCHAR(40))



      WHILE  (LEN(@strTestString)>0 AND  RIGHT(@strTestString,1) IN ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'))

          SET @strTestString=LEFT(@strTestString,LEN(@strTestString)-1)


  • RE: Removing embedded duplicate rows

    For preference I would have some sort of category column which categorised the record rather than use a compound field, but I was wondering if you could use SOUNDEX() in...

  • RE: Passing a resultset from one SP to another

    You can return a result set from a SP if the stored procedure consists of nothing more than the SELECT statement.


    CREATE PROCEDURE ct_TableReturn (@var1 CHAR(8))


    SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM Table1 

    WHERE col1 =...

  • RE: Being Retained

    I worked in the UK for an Oracle software house which was part of a large company. When the UK industry sector went into the doldrums a few years ago, the...

  • RE: Database Blocking is Out of Control

    I had the same problem with an application written in Borland Delphi. Whenever anyone ran a large report or updated 'child' data on a subsidiary screen I got blocking transactions.


  • RE: Nested Case Statement

    I wonder if you could you simplify the query by using CASE DateDiff(Month,#Date1#,#Date2#)






    rather than all those dateadds

  • RE: User vs. dbo name on new stored procs

    Are your developers members of the sysadmin server role as described in BOL...


    "The dbo is a user that has implied permissions to perform all activities in the database. Any member...

  • RE: Understanding the difference between IS NULL and = NULL

    The Borland Delphi application I administer uses a SQL Server 2000 back end with ANSI NULLS set to ON. If I remove a date from a field in the application,...

Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 235 total)