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Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 67 total)

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 5

    pholm (11/3/2010)

    This is a very interesting area that I've also been working on for 20+ years. I've found that using a standard POJO makes high level productivity for...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    Jeff Moden (10/31/2010)

    David Ziffer (10/30/2010)

    I certainly would load rows into a single table as a group, but even those insertions must be done through individual calls to the RAP insertion...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    Jeff Moden (10/30/2010)

    First, I whole-heartedly agree with the principle of storing the same AuditDate when adding a "group" of rows for the very reason stated. To wit, my question...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    RobertYoung (10/29/2010)

    And do you have terabyte+ data because someone never bothered with defining normalized data? Are you doing text processing? There is no de-normalize for performance. It...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    doofledorfer (10/27/2010)

    To repeat what others have said, this has been done over and over.

    The thing that makes me most nervous though is how it turns the user

    interface into a big...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    RobertYoung (10/27/2010)

    alen teplitsky (10/27/2010)

    Now, whether any organization would refactor its databases is another question; one which always amuses me, given that coders, virtually en masse, preach "refactor your code". ...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    Hugo Kornelis (10/27/2010)

    David Ziffer (10/27/2010)

    USER_NAME() returns the name of the database user; SUSER_SNAME() returns the corresponding login.

    Aha. This would work beautifully if RAP were using the SQL Server user name...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    wbrianwhite (10/27/2010)

    As mundane as this might seem, these three routines provide some dazzling capabilities:

    Not really. A history trigger is a far better choice. The stored proc can only...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    Boban Stojanovski-455883 (10/27/2010)

    Totally agree with Bob.

    What I also didn't like on generated code from RAP is the code style how procedures are defined.

    I use my codesmith templates for this...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    Bob the Mushroom (10/27/2010)

    Hi David,

    How configurable are the object names? I know that it's initially unlikely anyone will bother to look into the database if it's getting auto-generated, but...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    RobertYoung (10/27/2010)

    The long standing issue with schema changes (code generated or otherwise) is what to do with existing table data. With code generation, there really does need to be...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    Phil Factor (10/27/2010)

    I was hoping you'd got all this sort of messianic language out in the previous parts.

    Well taken. I am not a big fan of messianic language either. However...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 4

    david.avraamides (10/27/2010)

    I'm curious how your tools handle changes to the schema once your DB is in production and your tables are populated. What is the process for adding a new...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 3

    charles-600573 (10/26/2010)

    I am not sure I am missing something here.

    You state:

    "This example tracks the progress of auditing in just one table. All the tables in the database, without exception, operate...

  • RE: Writing Nearly Codeless Apps: Part 3

    Pantelis Magos (10/21/2010)

    Where are the links for Parts 1 and 2?

    Just do a search (using SQL Server Central's Search box) on the article title.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 67 total)