Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 75 total)

  • RE: Widest table

     I used to work for a major world wide shippng company.  I have seen this type of scriopt, and worse, on to many occasions!

  • RE: Strange situation when retrieving data (only 6 records)

    Here is another way to look for locks.  Use the SQL 'select * from master..sysprocesses where blocked != 0'.  If you use the query analyzer, you can add this to...

  • RE: Database growth

    I had to do a similar function where I had to report, via email, when a database had less than 10% of space.  Maybe my script can be edited to...

  • RE: Limitations of Eval Function???

    It is always better to pass the correct type to the function.  IT allows more control over what you are doing.  You can always convert values to the datatypes you need...

  • RE: DTS_pkg Fails when run from schedule

    Test the connection in the DTS by clicking the test connection button in the proprties window.  If there is a configuration error it will show up here.  I would also...

  • RE: DTS get servername

    "I was wondering if anybody knew of a property etc. of a DTS package to return the servername where the package is stored? Please don't recommend creating a connection and...

  • RE: maxlimit msaccess

    The other question I would ask is 'How is the data going to get in to the Access DB?'  Someone pointed out here that as a read-only it may work...

  • RE: database owner

    I have found it easier to make a quick VBA routine to drop all links and reestablish them as I need them. It takes no time to do...

  • RE: Copy a DTS from one server to another.

    Duh! Sometimes we overlook the simple. Thanks Niles.

  • RE: Trigger

    Forgive the confused look that I would be giving you if you could see my face.  As I read the trigger, I am assuming that you are placing values in...

  • RE: Wildcard in Dynamic SQL

    I had the same issues.  I solved it by created 2 variables.  One held the unchanging SQL and the secon held the dynamic portion.  I concatenated them as I calle...

  • RE: How to store resumes and coverletters in database?

    I have been forced to do this both ways, store the object in a blob and/or as a file on the network.  I have always preferred to store the file...

  • RE: DBCC results into tables

    YOu are absolutely correct.  The problem happens when I try to run the alter in the script.  I am guessing that it has something to do with the order in...

  • RE: DBCC results into tables

    Thanks Chris but as I inferred, using the GO keyword is not an option.  The rest of this script is dependent upon variables and results as it progresses. 

  • RE: DBCC results into tables

    Sorry, I cut out the data type, it shold be varchar(300).  Did I mention I am using SLQ Server 2000?


     The actual error is:

    Server: Msg 213, Level 16, State 5, Line...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 75 total)