Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 586 through 600 (of 726 total)

  • RE: two rows into one by comma delimited

    This has got to be one of the most frequently asked questions, and there is likely an article on it (which if I find, I'll start linking to), but in...

  • RE: Any ideas why this output parameter???

    I'm guessing that you're not passing the output parameter. Your best bet is to look at the BOL examples under CREATE PROCEDURE, as they show you examples of how to...

  • RE: Hi

    When you install reporting services on a server, it also installs a subset of VS which can be used for designing reports. Is that what you were looking for?


  • RE: Selecting one row for each value in another column

    webrunner, my method should work fine. Derived tables (which is what you are seeing in my query) are not only not typically problematic, but in many cases are the ideal solution....

  • RE: Selecting one row for each value in another column

    Koji, I'm confused when you say "If you prefer not to use an intermediate table, try this", when we both use the "roster" table, which appears to me to be...

  • RE: Reporting Services with Oracle

    SSRS sees the sysout cursor just as it sees a SELECT statement from a T-SQL stored proc. Where exactly are you having problems? Are you getting errors, etc?

    If you are...

  • RE: Change Logical File Name

    If you are using SS 2000 or later, this should work for you.

    ALTER DATABASE DatabaseName MODIFY FILE ( NAME = logical_file_name, NEWNAME = new_logical_name )

  • RE: InterSystems Cache question

    I don't use it, but my understanding is that it understands a large subset of the T-SQL language. I'd highly doubt a 100% conversion rate for most people, but I'll...

  • RE: Selecting one row for each value in another column

    Untested, and I don't have your data, so not optimized in any way.









      Course_ID  = r.course_id

      ,Instructor_ID = Min(r.instructor_id)


      roster AS r



      ) AS x


     INNER JOIN courses AS c ON

      x.course_id = c.course_id


     INNER JOIN instructors...

  • RE: Inquery about Best Practices for SQL

    William, the reason I alias column names even when the source columns are unique is because the alias is often later needed, so if I have it now, everything lines...

  • RE: Inquery about Best Practices for SQL

    I'm so anal that I use both table and column aliases, even when it's just one table, and when the final column name is the same as the source. I truly...

  • RE: Return Vertical table to CSV

    This is a common enough question that we should probably have a sticky for it, but here's what I answered the last time. It is easily modifiable for your needs,...

  • RE: Newbie Reports Pie Chart problem

    You can, but I'd personally do this on the server side, having your stored proc create an alias named "Success" or something similar, combining the results from both columns, and using that as...

  • RE: freetexttable

    Not trying to be Captain Obvious here, but have you turned on full-text indexing on the database, table, or column?

  • RE: Truncating String after first space

    Glad we could be of help.

Viewing 15 posts - 586 through 600 (of 726 total)