Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1,786 through 1,789 (of 1,789 total)

  • RE: ODBC Stored Procedures


    Does sound like prepared procs. Mostly went away with SQL 7. Been awhile, but I think the box in the dsn dialog...

  • RE: The DBA Dot Com Bust


    Once again, a well written, well timed (at least for me) article. I have to agree with Brian in that the market is not that great and the employers know...

  • RE: moving server locations with NO down time


    I've got a 60 second dns rollover window to apply the last update to the temp servers. So, I guess NO down...

  • RE: backup software or methods

    Nope, same scenario as you. Tired of struggling with the Veritas problems (kept setting trunc. log on checkpt following backup) and then having to pay for the SQL Backup Client...

Viewing 4 posts - 1,786 through 1,789 (of 1,789 total)