Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 391 through 405 (of 426 total)

  • RE: SQL Agent want start

    Did you remove BUILTIN\Administrators login or change sa password?

    Right-Click SQL Server Agent in EM, General tab

    What Service startup account is SQL Server Agent running under?

    Does this account have a SQL...

  • RE: Driver Not Listed

    The Data Source list are the installed OLE DB Providers, of which you can choose the "Other (ODBC Data Source)" item for ODBC.


  • RE: extracting user information from Active Directory

    Here is a trick for OLE DB connection string testing:

    On your SQL Server, create a File called Test.udl, double-click this file to open the Data Link Properties window

    On the Provider...

  • RE: Is there a more efficient way to run this query?

    I like this way:


      SET TABLE_A.ThoroughfareID = b.ID


      INNER JOIN TABLE_B b ON TABLE_A.Thoroughfare = b.Thoroughfare

    WHERE TABLE_A.ThoroughfareID IS NULL


  • RE: Syntax - deleting from

    I like this way:

    DELETE FROM tbl100

    FROM tbl100

      INNER JOIN tbl20 ON tbl100.title = tbl120.title

        AND tbl100.forenam = tbl120.forenam

        AND tbl100.surname = tbl120.surname

        AND tbl100.address1 = tbl120.address1

        AND tbl100.postcode =...

  • RE: Checking for the latest date

    Better yet:

    SELECT 'Dear ' +  n.FirstName AS Salutation,


      + CONVERT(varchar, n.HerdId) AS Regarding,

      'This letter is to advise...

  • RE: Autonumber Values and Triggers

    Sounds like your trigger is attempting to insert the inserted table's identity value into another table's identity column, hence the "Identity_Insert is set to OFF" error.

    CREATE TABLE #Test (Counter int IDENTITY...

  • RE: Does anyone know anything about QODBC and SQL 2000?

    Try installing Jet4sp8:;en-us;829558

    MDAC does not install the Jet engine since version 2.6.

    This said, I have zero experience with QODBC.


  • RE: What is the smallest size datatype you can use for this?

    This shows the space usage for a table with only the Zip code:

    CREATE TABLE Zip_1_Num (Zip decimal(9) NULL)

    CREATE TABLE Zip_2_Num (Zip int NULL, Plus4 smallint NULL)

    CREATE TABLE Zip_varchar (Zip varchar(10)...

  • RE: What is the smallest size datatype you can use for this?

    I prefer varchar(10) over 2 int or 1 int and 1 smallint, due to leading zeros in the Zip Code and Plus 4 portions, otherwise when you output two numbers you will...

  • RE: Client Server connectivity on SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition

    I prefer the DNS-less connection to a DSN. Maintenance of a DSN at the client is too much work.

    ' DSN-less Connection Example

    Dim moConn As ADODB.Connection ' Module level variable


    Function OpenConnection(sServer...

  • RE: ER Diagram/Data Model

    CREATE TABLE Employee (

     EmpID varchar(20) NOT NULL,

     SSN varchar(11) NOT NULL,

     Phone varchar(14) NULL



    -- Example of a PK

    ALTER TABLE Employee

     ADD CONSTRAINT Employee_PK PRIMARY KEY clustered (EmpID)  


    -- Example of a U1

    -- I...

  • RE: veritas backupexec. rights to give this login

    Member of BUITLIN\Administrators and SQL machine local Administrator ,generally the domain account is granted local permission when the server is joined to the domain, you should still verify.


  • RE: federalised view not updatable after bcp into compounded tables

    I suspect that the BCP operation changed the table relationships from a 1 to 1 to a 1 to many relationship which is what the view error suggests.

    Do a...

  • RE: Column values in a row

    Here is one way,

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'dbo.fn_MachineParts') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF'))

     drop function dbo.fn_MachineParts


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_MachineParts


    @MachineNo int


    RETURNS varchar(1000)



     DECLARE @MachineParts varchar(1000)

     SELECT @MachineParts...

Viewing 15 posts - 391 through 405 (of 426 total)