Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)

  • RE: Add Extended property to every column in every table...

    Lowell - thats perfect thanks....

    Yes once these empty extenders are created then we are going to fill them in with web page front end for use onfocus of controls as...

  • RE: Add Extended property to every column in every table...

    thanks for that....

    at the moment i just need to create the extended property to eventually hold help information on that column as i have a front end to allow us...

  • RE: Database Stuck in Recovery Mode..

    go it sorted.

    eventually i was able to stop the sql service and delete the database.


    thanks again for your help - much appreciated....

  • RE: Database Stuck in Recovery Mode..


    sorry for the delay in getting back, but been away on business...

    thanks for the pointers, but nothing works?

    when i run these scripts i get the error that the database is...

  • RE: Build inner join statement use column values?

    yes, that has pretty much answered my question thanks...

    i was hoping to be clever and somehow use the value in the column as a type of literal, but looping through...

  • RE: Build inner join statement use column values?

    on further thinking about it - i dont think the inner join scenario will work actually as the table that record_locks would need to inner join to "could" be different...

  • RE: Build inner join statement use column values?

    yes, sorry - its a bit difficult to explain in words...

    select a, b, c from record_locks inner join <<record_locks.table_name>> on record_locks, etc......


    the table that the record_locks table should inner join...

  • RE: Outer join problem...

    that works perfectly!


    thanks a lot for your help - much appreciated....

  • RE: Outer join problem...

    either one really it doesnt matter - as long i can just show that the record jim smith is locked by someone.

    it is an unlikely scenario, but i need to...

  • RE: Data Types

    thanks for that....

    i was being stupid!

    I had tried using decimal and then entered a figure like 12234.44444 and it was saving as just 12234 - i never noticed that the...

  • RE: Column Names Case Sensitive

    For the databases that i dont have this problem with are set to: Latin1_General_CI_AS

    The one with the problem - its collation is NULL.

    I went into the properties of the database...

  • RE: Column Names Case Sensitive

    Thanks for that....

    Do you think if i detach then reattach this particular database the collation will then be set as per the master?

    As there are other databases in this instance...

  • RE: Column Names Case Sensitive

    Thanks for that...

    Where do i find/change the collation setting for a database - cant find it anywhere in 2005?


    Many thanks again...


  • RE: DateTime Problem

    found the problem - all the login created when installing sql express were set to english - changed them to british and all works fine....

  • RE: DateTime Problem

    this actually gets worse!!

    All my web apps where a date is inserted or updated now causes all these pages in these applications to fail!!

    The one thing i have noticed is...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)