Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 322 total)

  • RE: Sponsored Content

    Red Gate? Who's Red Gate? Sorry, but a decade plus of web surfing has programmed my brain to completely ignore any and all content that looks like advertising....

  • RE: points?

    Steve Jones - Editor (11/11/2007)

    It's 1 point per post, correctly answered Questions of the Day at their point value (usually 1-2 points).

    We may expand it to scripts and articles, not...

  • RE: Hardware for multi-instance DB server

    Such a deal! Thanks for the explanation, Matt.

  • RE: Hardware for multi-instance DB server

    Matt, that's an interesting idea. The dev edition page says that "may be installed and used by one user to design, develop, test, and demonstrate your programs." So...

  • RE: Hardware for multi-instance DB server

    Thanks for the info, Simon. I have since read a bit on PAE. I don't know why we have it enabled, since we don't have >4GB of memory...

  • RE: Hardware for multi-instance DB server

    Phillip Cox (11/8/2007)


    I would suspect some of the memory is being used for video.



    On another server that I know we have 3.0GB installed, in Control Panel... General tab it says...

  • RE: Msg 7391 Unable to begin a distributed transaction

    The settings I have are for the MSDTC are as follows:

    Network DTC Access

    Allow Remote Clients

    Allow Remote Admin

    Allow Inbound ...

  • RE: Hardware for multi-instance DB server

    Thanks Phillip. I currently have 4GB on that server (although it reports as 3.62GB; what's up with that?). How much does the OS require?

  • RE: Tuning

    "To me that indicates that people new to SQL Server aren't being trained very well or that too many people building applications aren't concerned with the basics of good design."


  • RE: The Scary DBA

    About 6 weeks later, he would start getting calls and visits from all the branches about his request. Multiple calls and visits. For about a week or two....

  • RE: The Scary DBA

    I pull the subtle pranks that sometimes only I enjoy.

    I worked for a defense contractor many years ago on a classified project. The company had hired a dev manager,...

  • RE: The Pay Jump

    Looking back on my last 20 years of employment, there were some miserable times, but I was the most miserable when I was waiting for some arbitrary deadline to pass,...

  • RE: Free Training

    And Ken went to the Dark Side and has been assimilated.

    Resistance may be futile in some cases, but in others it is also inversely proportional to the amount of money...

  • RE: Teaching the Masses

    Rudy, it's from an article I saw on CodeProject.  A guy who helped found the PageFlakes web site was detailing all that could go wrong.  One I could relate to was connecting...

  • RE: Teaching the Masses

    Gilles:  If you and I were to meet in person, you would find me the most tolerant guy you ever met as far as listening and accepting of your accent. ...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 322 total)