Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 322 total)

  • RE: Giving access to view the database listing. tg

    What client/wizard are you using?

    If your user is not a user in the other databases, you won't even be able to enumerate a list of them.  And if your user...

  • RE: The Data Detective

    Can you even tell if data has been stolen?  No, not always.

    Thieves stole a laptop from the car of a VA employee last year with data on 26 million veterans...

  • RE: Procedure expects parameter which was not supplied...?

    Got your problem solved yet?  Sorry I'm posting so long after your OP, but I'm behind on my TiVo, too.    A couple of...

  • RE: Creating fixed-length tables


    You probably already thought of this, but you will need to somehow designate the 51st row so you delete the correct row.  If you use some variation of TOP 50 with...

  • RE: Stored Procedure + Parameter list

    Something like this?

    DECLARE @Parm1 int

    , @Parm2 int

    , @Parm3 int

    , @Parm4 int

    SET @Parm1 = 1

    SET @Parm2 = 2

    SET @Parm3 = 3

    DECLARE @Wherever TABLE (ID int, RowName varchar(50))

    DECLARE @joined TABLE (Parm int)


  • RE: Power Tools at Work!

    One word:  flamethrower. 

    Have a monthly drawing in IT for who gets to strap on that bad boy and light up a pile of...

  • RE: Security best practice for linked servers

    My original, stated goal was to set up a database container "B" that holds only a set of views that reference tables in database "A".  I'm trying to separate the views,...

  • RE: Security best practice for linked servers

    No worky.  I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.

    I have two databases on Server A.  In DB X I have the views, they point to tables in DB Y.  On Server...

  • RE: Security best practice for linked servers

    Robert: Thanks for the reply, but I don't see how to set up the view as you describe.  Can you please fill me in? Thanks.

  • RE: Personal Laptop

    "If I own the laptop then the company is in effect leasing me as a disposable resource."

    Well, sure they are.  In the US they call it "at-will" employment. They are...

  • RE: Moving results to Temp table

    Yes, but doesn't SELECT...INTO lock the database for the duration of the select?  That's why I always create the table first, then insert into it.

  • RE: Moving results to Temp table

    Sorry, that's the advanced, SQL Server 2008 syntax. 

  • RE: optimising the procedure

    The WHERE clause of the UPDATE statement I provided tests in one statement every row of the temp table that has not been tested yet and sets the error flag. ...

  • RE: Moving results to Temp table

    DECLARE #YourTempTable (colA varchar(20), colB varchar(20), colC varchar(20))

    INSERT INTO #YourTempTable

    select colA, colB, colC from XX

    where tff_id ='108'

    and tap_from_dt >'2006-07-01 00:00:00:000'

  • RE: optimising the procedure

    Yep, lose the cursor.  Not because cursors are inherently evil, but because there's a more efficient, set-based way.  Those function calls to parse each field in the row have gotta...

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 322 total)