Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 45 total)

  • RE: Case statemants in an SQL update query

    Sql Server syntax for updating using a case statement:

    update table_1

    set Datum2=(case when datum1='1' then 'One'

    when datum1='2' then 'two'

    when datum1='3' then 'three'

    else 'four' end)

  • RE: Stored Procedure

    In case you're not sure of how to unit test it without running the full application use the Query Analyzer, or in the case of 2005 click the 'New Query'...

  • RE: Import text file with different columns into SQL Server 2000

    I notice  that the 'Date' is a common field in the Header line and that there is a common seperator, the pipe.

    Here is a very general example of an attack...

  • RE: SQL 7 Can not truncate Transaction Log

    I know this is going to cause 'Howls' of disbelief but if you are NOT using the transaction logs at this point to rollback transactions by the hour or whatever...

  • RE: How to Delete Duplicate records in following senario???

    I agree with 'Sql Oracle' on this one except for one thing. You would probably want to maintain your unique ID field. It's a good idea and can come in...

  • RE: Waht is SQL Server Native Mode?

    I've seen the Sql Native Client referred to when using the Business Intelligence Developement Studio's Import SSIS Import/Export Wizard. Here what the help file says:


    SQL Native Client is a data...

  • RE: Too many rows?

    It's strange that the table would list the number of records bound by the size of a small int. Is it possible that your unique ID field, (assuming you're using...

  • RE: Can Somebody help on this stored procedure

    I guess I'm confused by the terms 'Total Record Count'OR CalcAction='Record Count of Unique Claims ', I'll assume that these are counts of actual record conditions. Also the order by...

  • RE: Create a unique ID or number for each record?

    I'm not sure why you don't create an identity column, (type Int or BigInt), in the table that you're storing the records to. That way you don't need any code, Sql...

  • RE: Combining rows in same table

    I agree that the table isn't in good shape, but in the real world 'Stuff happens'. Assuming that there is a correct common key that you can link the partial...

  • RE: INSERT - issue

    Right, For this reason the scheduled process would have to be aware of the name change. They'd have to be written so that they ran against, JFK instead of FDR.

  • RE: INSERT - issue

    Assuming that you really want to make this table unavailable to the users/system during this process you can simply rename the table and rename it back when done, i.e.:


  • RE: Need SQL Query for Hierarchy

    I'm not sure what results you're seeking, what would your results look like if you suceeded?

  • RE: How to list top 10 from a stored procedure?

    That's a complex subquery you have there but I have to wonder why you wouldn't use 'Top' to get you results, i.e.


    Select TOP 10 s.Store_Num,s.Store_Address, cast((...

  • RE: Too many rows returned

    I'm only going on your first question but you might try

    select DISTINCT customer.custID, customer.CustName
    from customer join payment on
    customer.CustID = payment.CustID
    where payment.DatePayment > '2004-08-01'
    and (customer.CustID like...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 45 total)