Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • RE: one character of data

    I knew it. The author's answer to this question was wrong.

    I knew about the 2 bytes used at the end of a varchar or nvarchar, so I...

  • RE: Complicated Comments

    Jesse McLain (2/12/2009)


    Anyways, glad everyone seemed to like the question (maybe not getting it wrong, but in terms of learing something surprising).

    Thanks Jesse McLain for this question.

    I surely learned something...

  • RE: Complicated Comments

    Myles Sigal (2/11/2009)

    I agree with D. Couturier; if someone brought me code for review with comments anything close to this, I'd send it back. It's nice to know the...

  • RE: Complicated Comments

    This was a pretty good catch!

    It got me :crazy:

    Who the heck would use comments like that. I practice the KISS method which stands for "Keep It Simple...

  • RE: Celebration

    Congratulation Steve, SQL Server Central & Red Gate.

    -- Here is a nice query for you guys:

    SELECT 'Congratulation to ' + PersonName + ' for the success of SQL Server Central.'


  • RE: Tips for New DBAs

    Excellent article. CIA is the main purpose of a DBA.

    All future DBA's and all managers of DBA should read this.


    If my previous post doesn't work, I think you have no choice but to rebuild the entire database.

    You can do to the following in replacement of bcp in/out.

    Create a new...


    You could try this if you haven't yet.

    Script out all Primary Keys, Foreign Keys and Indexes.

    Backup the actual Database files (stop SQL Server, copy data files and log files, restart...

  • RE: free sql server 2005 bible

    I also agree.

    These guys work hard to provide very good book for the IT community. Unless you get it free from the author himself, you are steeling...

  • RE: Opinions on a T-SQL book

    After that book, go for the "Inside SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Programming". It's a continuation of the previous book.

    It goes deeply into programming:

    scripts, stored procedures, temporary tables,...

  • RE: Opinions on a T-SQL book

    I'm presently at the last chapter of "Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Querying". It's an excellent book, a must have.

    I've took some training with the author, Itzik Ben-Gan,...

  • RE: Good T-SQL Books

    I got the whole series of Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

    1- T-SQL Querying (Itzik Ben-Gan): Only one chapter left to read! I was already an expert in query tuning,...

  • RE: Calling All Canada DBAs - Course Request?

    I took some training last year on SQL Server 2005 with I liked it.

    I was originaly registered for the Montreal classes, but they cancelled...

  • RE: .LDF file needed for MS Accedd DB itno SQL

    I wouldn't be suprised that these wanabe DBA are trying to attach the Access database directly into SQL Server. But hey, I'm not here to judge anyone.

    A quick and...

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 Advance Performance tuning training; recommendations anyone?

    Thanks Grant,

    I heard about Solid Quality Mentors.

    I see on their site that they offer course named "Microsoft SQL Server Performance Tuning Bootcamp". The mentor is Randy Dyess....

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)