Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 43 total)

  • RE: SQL Server, SANs and Virtualisation

    Thanks for a good overview. We have already implemented virtualization and this would have handy to have during the planning stage. One area where virtualization falls short is...

  • RE: Are Triggers a "legacy" Feature? (Database Weekly, Nov 08 2008)

    I agree that triggers tend to have a very limited practical use for many of the reasons already specified. I have seen too many performance issues caused by triggers...

  • RE: Problem setting up linked server

    Could you please post the link to the Oracle forum? It might help others with a similar problem. Thanks.

  • RE: The Easy Poll

    Well Steve I think you can send MSFT the link to this forum so they can see that the users do want SP3. To be fair, I'll also note...

  • RE: Importance of UPSERT

    Certainly this is a good option, but as several others stated there is a MERGE statement coming out in SS 2008 which may make this obsolete. An example of...

  • RE: IT Transparency

    We had a similar setup at my last company as well. The two problems I faced were 1) CIO who always wanted to short cirut the system even...

  • RE: Oracle Slackers

    Well, I think there are lots of reasons behind this, and as Steve said the details of the questions certainly would be helpful. It basically comes down to a risk...

  • RE: Creating Location Independent SSIS packages

    jacob sebastian (12/12/2007)

    The scope of a server alias is limited to the local computer. Hence if two different computers have the same alias defined, there will be no conflict. Each...

  • RE: Creating Location Independent SSIS packages

    I like the idea, but it seems like we end up with a server alias that points to two different servers. How is that resolved? For example if...

  • RE: Beginning Database Design - Spot the Flaws

    If you are going to add the owner of the book (so you know who to return it to) you should consider adding a start (bought /borrowed) date so you...

  • RE: Beginning Database Design - Spot the Flaws

    A great article idea! I think the example is similar to one that many of us may face when requested to design a "simple" system. I won't repeat...

  • RE: No Log Files

    While I got the "correct" answer, I don't agree that it would really work because of the lack of a clean shutdown, and the major has confirmed that it indeed...

  • RE: OpenRowset Security

    The answer given only deals with the BULK option of OPENROWSET. If you go to , it states that "user_id cannot be a Microsoft Windows login name."

    Looking at...

  • RE: Whack a Database

    At my shop I created a stored procedure to delete/archive the database. While this doesn't stop me or another DBA from right clicking in Management Studio, it works well...

  • RE: 10/23/07


    If the answer is really Row_NUMBER() can you please provide an example since the majority of us seem to think RANK() is correct.

    Also, I noticed that the TITLE of the...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 43 total)