Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: Performance Improvement for Cursors in Stored Procedures

    Be careful about concatenating strings in a SELECT statement:

    DECLARE @X varchar(2000) = ''

    DECLARE @Y varchar(2000) = ''

    DECLARE @T TABLE (I varchar(10), O varchar(10))



    INSERT @T...

  • RE: The Real Scary DBAs

    I agree with many of the comments in this exchange, but I would like to put another word on the table - APTITUDE.

    I appreciate a nice-looking house, but you could...

  • RE: Managers

    I think bad managers waste far more than their own salary.

    I think training is fine, but it's applicable mostly to routine jobs. Many jobs in IT (and many jobs outside...

  • RE: Managers

    Do not miss this article...[/url]

  • RE: Corporate Software Development

    Again, my original post was not intended to say that IM has no legitimate uses. Instead, I was commenting on two things in combination, one of them being IM and...

  • RE: Corporate Software Development

    I guess I have never mastered the ability to overcome a seemingly natural human tendency to be self-conscious. It's a component of what makes humans different from animals and I'm...

  • RE: Software/Database Development Hiring Practices

    GermanDBA (8/28/2008)

    Hot Dog, that hit the nail well and truely on the head!

    Are you quoting someone or did you come up with that one on your own?

    Thanks for your comments.


  • RE: If You Ain't Cheatin'

    I have been in the work force for 30 years. I have observed family, friends, fellow employees, business contacts, and personal contacts in the work force for 30 years. It's...

  • RE: If You Ain't Cheatin'

    I presume cheating has existed throughout history. However, I think the stakes are higher now than ever before with sports at all levels being a prime example. Further, I think...

  • RE: Software/Database Development Hiring Practices

    Christian Buettner (8/22/2008)

    Too often I have seen the loudest employees rise the ladder of success, and good employees doing their jobs silently stayed unrecognized.

    While the loud employees give at...

  • RE: Software/Database Development Hiring Practices

    Lynn Pettis (8/22/2008)

    I don't think this is an IT only phenomenon

    I absolutely agree, and I said as much in my original post. However, as much as I love IT, I...

  • RE: Software/Database Development Hiring Practices

    I appreciate the good comments, but my post was not intended to solicit résumé advice. I understand the different strategies for writing a résumé. However, the initial "read" of a...

  • RE: Bowling Challenge - The Results

    The entry below was submitted about three hours after the challenge first appeared on the web site.  It uses the Scores table as the table was originally defined (instead of...

  • RE: Transferring encrypted stored procedures

    I'm having trouble trying to envision a legitimate reason for needing or wanting to copy encrypted stored procedures.

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)