Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)

  • RE: Question of the Day for 14 Sep 2007

    Actually, it returns 54.0 (return type is the same as the type of the argument).

  • RE: How Hard is Search?

    I do not agree completely on the language issue. That might apply to native English-speakers, but my native languages are Dutch and French.

    Being an IT-er, I usually carry out search...

  • RE: Can Encryption Help?

    As a DBA, system administrator..., you unavoidably have access to sensitive information. I have never seen an arrangement where you can effectively carry out such a job if your access...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 19 Jun 2007

    Easiest way to remember this: OUTPUT clause is valid for those statements that produce a "Deleted" and/or "Inserted" table.

  • RE: Windows Powershell

    Powershell is a nice language, but hey - why would you bother investing effort in a Windows-only language, whereas javascript, perl or python is just as powerful and may be...

  • RE: Trouble on installing SQL Server Express

    Connect to <localcomputername>\SQLEXPRESS
  • RE: Redundant Columns

    So you have a one-to-many relation between users and albums, a one-to-many relation between albums and images, and a one-to-many relation between images and comments.

    A pure normalized database design is:


  • RE: Joins in SQL Server

    You have inner join, left join and full outer join anyway. A right join is a small addition that makes the set of possibilities symmetrical and easy to remember.

    Furthermore, if more...

  • RE: Alternative to using the Like Predicate with Wildcard token at the start

    Given your boundary conditions (no indexes...), a full table scan is unavoidable.

    Anyway, you should not use the "UNION" approach; this will cause TWO tablescans instead of one. And I would...

  • RE: SQL puzzle

    Use the ANSI standard EXCEPT operator, which gives you the difference between two sets. It also exists in SQL Server 2005, and in Oracle, it is called "MINUS".

  • RE: The IT Career

    I think you should first of all choose a career that you like and that interests you. After all, you will be doing it for a large part of your...

  • RE: Concatenating dates

    The answers of the SQL gurus are more clear and efficient, but note that you can always construct a composite column value by string concatenation:

    SELECT CAST(DATEPART(day,SNDF.DateTimeSampled) AS CHAR(2))

    + '/'...

  • RE: Need T-SQL 2k5 help - please advise

    The article on Common Table Expressions in Books Online is quite clear. Some guidelines: for a recursive CTE, you have to pay attention to 3 things:

    1. You need an anchor member inside the...
  • RE: Unlimited columns

    I know of no commercial DB that gives you an unlimited number of columns: Oracle tops off at 1000, MySql can get over 3000, depending on the underlying database engine...


  • RE: Fuzzy Searching...

    Actually, I have already done this in Oracle. The trick consists of "reducing" the names that you are looking for to a value that is the same for all...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)