Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 73 total)

  • RE: wokring out a period form dates..?







    NOTE: @PARM is supplied variable

  • RE: server down - restart no help

    You may find some help in the want ads?

    No just kidding... trouble shoot from source of problem, eliminate causes using process of elimination... Like Ray suggested;

    Start with operating system utilities...

  • RE: Storing encrypted passwords

    Note: difference between varchar and varbinary;

    Your encryption script can use special charactors which are not supported by varchar, like the return and tab charactors cause truncation of data string when...

  • RE: View Performance with union

    It could be improved by an "order by" within your view, which promotes your selection criteria when you invoke your select view...

  • RE: Shortcut key for inserting Null value

    Please remember to use proper syntax through out your scripts for testing nulls;

    Avoid using:

    where field = null

    This is not the same as:

    where field is null

  • RE: Data Type for formatted text field

    Frank is correct!

    varchar and nvarchar are stored with (start & end pointers), for different stored lengths, but dont retain line returns and tabs...

    TEXT is stored similar to IMAGE, as "blob space" which...

  • RE: Column Show/Hide in Excel Rendering

    What is your source for rendering? and what is creating your report?

  • RE: getting text output from stored procedure

    First statement could end with "else" for consistancy... also keep upper & lower case same for readabilty like "@@NESTLEVEL" ...

    Each select statement can be converted to same format on return like...

  • RE: Returning a calculated value in T-SQL

    I'm the best of the of best of the best, with honors!

    Nice use of case John, and might I suggest using your script as a function; then put it in...

  • RE: Importing Data

    You do have at least several choices here:

    1. DTS, bcp record, bcp record and fields

    with bcp you specified each record delimiter and field delimiter (SQL still uses this utility internaly...

  • RE: How to Handle "Wide" Tables?...

    OK now that you know TEXT data is not an option!

    Performance of TEXT can't compare with varchar, look at this way. Varchar is a set of pointers and...

  • RE: Importing Flat file with Fixed-length columns

    Check out the syntax on BCP

    I use it for uploading raw data files with only one field, per record terminated by /n (carrage return) and parse out a 80 char string (location...

  • RE: Connections Building Up

    You said you won't go the direction of fixing the programs causing the problem?

    I also suggest you request your programming department to look into it for two very important reasons:


  • RE: I need to give someone a test on T-SQL

    I would be tempted to grab a few dozen questions from this sites Questions in the QUD.

    Then rate the new person against how well your current staff does against the...

  • RE: Reducing Round Trips - Part 3

    Reducing Client/Server traffic



    Session Variable Lists can be controlled as a just-in-time requirement, instead of loading them ALL at Login… We first were...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 73 total)