Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Lost Fingers

    Hahaha! Great one GPF2^192 ...

    Ohh, and mcape, sorry about Your finger ..

  • RE: Notebook Shopping

    I would go for the Dell too ... Even tough I work for an IBM company

    Dell's are cheaper and have great service.

  • RE: Lost Fingers

    Heh, great point Steve .. I never really liked them biometric scanners either .. Just the thought of some criminal phunk cutting off min finger, just to get access to...

  • RE: The G5 XBOX 360

    Where did You get the info on the G5 part ?

    Btw, I read somewhere that Microsoft had hired a team of developers to port SQL server to *nix based systems...

  • RE: LiteSpeed vs Red-Gate


    Have any ofe You guys used LiteSpeed with TSM ?

    Best Regards,

    Claus Munch


  • RE: Restore Master database failed!

    Hi !

    Why do You want to restore the Master DB ?

    Best Regards,

    Claus Munch


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)