Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

  • RE: Restore/Attach

    I did ask and I now know my mistake. I was trying to restore from the SS2000 backup file (thinking it was the SS7 file).:blush: No harm done...

  • RE: Restore/Attach

    I realized I posted it in the wrong forum so I changed it. Thanks for the reply.

    I don't know what happened, why nothing would work for me (with the...

  • RE: Creating a script that builds a script

    OSQL -i "E:\Backup\Migrat_Scripts\Build_Script.sql" -S SERVERNAME -d DATABASENAME -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD -o "c:\TestOutput.txt"

    This worked great except when I run it using the Build_Script.sql, the TestOutput.txt displays 1> >2 etc and...

  • RE: Creating a script that builds a script

    Sorry, that script isn't correct - here is the correct script:

    rem d:\mssql7\Binn\isql -U sa -P password -S DBTest -n -w 260

    <e:\Backup\Migrat_Scripts\Build_Script.sql &gte:\Backup\Migrat_Scripts\Created_Script.sql

    I guess it would be...

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)