Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 77 total)
Hrmmm... was afraid that you were going to say that....
August 4, 2004 at 7:04 am
Hi there,
I have the system and clients patched to 3a and both are running with the latest mdac service patches.
I basically, to get around this, did an evil hackola where...
July 29, 2004 at 8:23 am
You can do DMO in just about any language which supports it... even Perl. Just finished an ASP utility that does replication done up all in vbscript (although I dont...
May 17, 2004 at 1:47 pm
Hi there,
Nope, between wouldn't work since the numbers could jump all over. Found the following solution:
-- Adding the article subset filter
Select @ASTR = 'exec sp_addmergefilter @publication = N''' + @DB_Name...
May 14, 2004 at 9:56 am
I like your way better, thanks!
May 13, 2004 at 10:28 pm
what type of replication?
What I've had to run to make sure my scripts are starting clean for merge replication are as follows:
'Drop any subscriptions
exec sp_dropmergesubscription @publication = N'<publication>''
'Drop the publication
May 11, 2004 at 9:33 am
Ok, I got it figured out. I had 3 things going against me
for each oItem in SQLServer.JobServer.Jobs
If instr(1,oItem.Name,"DYNAMIC") Then
Do while...
May 10, 2004 at 12:48 pm
Actually I ended up doing this before I saw your reply:
Declare @JobID Binary(16)
Select @JobID = job_id from msdb.dbo.sysjobs where name like '%DYNAMIC%'
exec msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_id = @JobID
My next problem is how...
May 5, 2004 at 9:05 am
category was what I was looking for, thanks
May 4, 2004 at 7:40 am
The front-end is an ASP application. Need to be able to push the data back into the main server whenever the user checks the items back in and I dont...
April 30, 2004 at 6:59 am
Actually its more can I DYNAMICALLY, from the subscriber side PULL the records I want from a publication.
The core tables are just that, static information that is not editable in...
April 29, 2004 at 2:06 pm
If I was to do a select statement from the [Warrants] table below off of intMasterAcctID I would get two rows returned for intMasterAcctID=1
The function basically returns the intMasterAcctID, Warrants...
April 12, 2004 at 12:32 pm
you should be able to
exec (@stfield)
after while/end.
April 5, 2004 at 11:36 am
Actually thats just about perfect for what we need. Gets rid of the need for that damned cursor and almost all of that code. The 10A 10 2 should be returned...
March 1, 2004 at 7:20 am
Frank is close but I unfortunately did not think the entire post thru before posting...
Typically vchrMap,vchrBlock,vchrLot are all varchar(10). The alpha character(s) can be any position but the first.
I came...
February 27, 2004 at 1:21 pm
Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 77 total)