Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Re: Problem in inserting a row


    another possibility is to follow the suggestion of the error message.

    Use the "SET IDENTITY_INSERT [tablename] ON" command to enable inserting a row with the identity column specified. This is especially useful...

  • RE: Tuning required on tables

    Hi Arvind,

    which Indexes are defined on the tables?

    Does MBD.Tel_Nbr have the same format as @BTN and (sorry I'm asking, but I've seen such things before) does Main_BTN_SK have the same format...

  • RE: Tuning required on tables

    Hi Arvind,

    in addition to the execution plan described by Julian (look for sort operations, which are often very time consuming), there is a tool called Index Tuning Wizard that can...

  • RE: VB function to SQL UDFunction - Working Days

    Hello Scott,

    this is really weird... I've tried on different servers, but I get different results using my function than you do:

    select dbo.fncalworkdays(convert(datetime,'01.01.2004', 104), convert(datetime,'10.01.2004', 104), 0) --> returns 7

    select dbo.fncalworkdays(convert(datetime,'01.01.2004',...

  • RE: VB function to SQL UDFunction - Working Days

    Hello Scott,

    SQL Server has a data type called DATETIME that should be right for you.

    In addition, I've had some trouble with the loop that tends to become infinite.

    It should be...

  • RE: need help with T-SQL Syntax


    there ist another way that's even quite fast, as long as the parameter string is not extremly lenghty.

    CHARINDEX returns the first occurrance of your TableID within the parameter string.

    To make...

  • RE: Linked OLAP Server is loosing rows

    Hello Steve,

    we increased "Large Level" to 2000 (we have about 1400 Key Customers defined) and ... it works  !

    Thank you very much, I have...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)