Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Nested While Loop Performance

    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for your reply. Sorry i didnt copied the whole stored procedure because the stored procedure is bit lengthy. Please find the procedure below.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[fs_1_USP_Monthly_XML_LOADER]



    -- Extracting...

  • RE: Select * from second column ?

    Sorry forget to mention that @sql variable value is.

    @sql = 'select [Q1],[A1_COMMENT],[Q2],[A2_COMMENT],[Q3],[A3_COMMENT]'



  • RE: Select * from second column ?

    Hi Matt,

    Thank you for your help. I tried your code and it works fine with where clause with sp_executeSql :).

    Now again i am stuck with one small thing i.e. how...

  • RE: Select * from second column ?

    Hi Matt,

    Sorry to bother you again. Using same information_Schema.Column how do we filter the record through the same eliminated ID before eliminating the ID? is there any to use the...

  • RE: Select * from second column ?

    Thank you Matt, It works fine just a one more quick Question, how can i make a select statement with your script Actually i wanted to generate an XML document...

  • RE: Select * from second column ?

    Hi Enthusiastic,

    Thank you for your reply. Actually i dont know the name and number of columns thats why cant able to to create a temp table. If you have any...

  • RE: Select * from second column ?

    Hi All,

    Thank you very much for your replies

    SSChampion Actually i wanted to generate an XML document through stored procedure based on the dynamic Columns and dont need any ID in...

  • RE: Select * from second column ?

    Thanks for your prompt reply Champion.

    Actually i created the table through XML and i dont know the number of columns generated by the XML into the table. some time they...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)