Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)

  • RE: Need help converting Dynamic Pivot output to XML / HTML

    It was a difficult one, but I hired a consultant to do the legwork, as I couldn't find the time to do it myself

    Here's his (working) solution. All credits go...

  • RE: Finding hierarchy errors

    Thank you, Jeff. I've been away a few days, sorry for the late reply.

    Yes, the typo's are my bad. I'll study some more on your explanations.

  • RE: Finding hierarchy errors

    Sorry to be a bother, but seem to have found an issue with your code.

    You state:

    WHEN f.HierarchicalPath LIKE '%\'+o.eq_nmr+'\%' THEN 'Circular Cause'

    but f references #found with a


  • RE: Finding hierarchy errors

    Jeff, wonderful post, very helpful.

    I'll go study your example code and see what comes up.

    Thanks for the reference to hierarchy studies, I'll put it in my reading/todo list.

    Tried your code...

  • RE: Finding hierarchy errors

    I'll look into the FK thingie. Would be nice if you could point me in the right direction to modify my sp to CTE instead of cursors.

  • RE: Number of Records Affected

    How about a join to OUTPUT inserted.* or deleted.* ?

  • RE: Wut uhp wi dis?

    Got the same CPU burn on our x64 2005 Enterprise servers and my 2008 x64 laptop server.

  • RE: Convert SQL Server Date to DD/MM/YY

    Maybe I'm thinking too simple for this question, but why not use:

    select convert(VarChar(32), PURCHASE_DATE, 3)

  • RE: dbf file conversion into sql

    Hi all,

    I tried this:

    select *

    --into test

    from openrowset('msdasql', 'driver={microsoft dbase driver (*.dbf)};dbq=D:\McBAM\BamTst\Data\', 'select * from MT101108')

    And got these errors:

    OLE DB provider "msdasql" for linked server "(null)" returned message "[Microsoft][ODBC dBase-stuurprogramma]Algemene waarschuwing...

  • RE: Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric.

    Ok, that's a lot clearer for me then.

    How do I check the size before processing?

    Is there a way to handle this error in my User defined function, zo that...

  • RE: Help using CTE to get ALL childs in a hierarchy

    vkoka (8/27/2008)


    Top Most Parent Childs level

    OB000274 OB000033...

  • RE: Help using CTE to get ALL childs in a hierarchy

    Thanks, but either I was unclear, or I don't understand the solution. I get :

    OB000033 2OB000274

    OB000034 2OB000274

    OB000035 2OB000274

    OB000036 2OB000274 ...

  • RE: Telework Works

    psmith (8/18/2008)

    How do you ensure proper productivity and avalability for each employee? Some people have to deal with at home interruptions of various forms effecting their personal efficiency. I see...

  • RE: Telework Works

    My current company, as well as the I'm starting with september 1st, both have adopted teleworking intensively. Both driven by the lack or shortage of office space. I love it!


  • RE: Snooping

    Ian Massy

    If you're going to snoop, think about what you might find and how you would react to it, then think about what would happen if you were caught (either...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)