Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 511 through 525 (of 541 total)

  • RE: How to delete duplicated rows in a table

    OK, if this data is REALLY completely duplicated, then the articles will help you get rid of them. And like geomon said, make sure this doesn't happen in the...

  • RE: DTS transfert AS400 --> SQL Server 2000

    AS400 --> SQL? That's great, I should set that up here. Do you have any links that could help me out?

    (sorry to answer a question with a question...

  • RE: DTS global variable value not being set properly

    try this...DTS gets funny with return codes and setting output variables.

    DECLARE @rc int

    DECLARE @partition varchar(10)

    DECLARE @nextid int

    DECLARE @id int

    set nocount on

    -- Set parameter values

    EXEC @rc =...

  • RE: Silly Question

    selecting a range of bits? Wow, great stuff.

    snootchie bootchies

  • RE: Creating a Chart From a Table

    Very cool; I'll try it out later today and let you know how it works for me.

  • RE: comparing specific rows

    achowe, Why won't Npeeters query work for you? That's a nice little piece of code, deletes all records except the one with the maximum date value.

    DELETE t1


  • RE: Joining across databases

    Try a more modern syntax:

    select t1.Varchar1, t2.Varchar2

    from table1 t1

    JOIN database2.dbo.table2 t2 on t1.Varchar1=t2.Varchar2

  • RE: Time Comparison In MS SQL

    It's woefully complex, but here's the easiest way I could get a time out of SQL in the format '06:00:00 PM'.



    When cast(cast(convert(varchar, getdate(), 108) as char(2)) as int)...

  • RE: clustered index or not

    Well, the software we're using (eCRM) was developed to run against either an oracle or tSQL db, so I guess they figured using queries that requested unicode values would be...

  • RE: clustered index or not

    How are you going to "take it from here"? I have the same problem with our software and it's KILLING the performance on the search. I can't modify...

  • RE: Temp Table results

    Good call, la4rha. In the past I've had the same problem in the DTS Execute SQL task that returns a dataset...."invalid pointer error" was the error. This was a...

  • RE: Joining surrogate table entries into single field

    This is a really interesting question!

    Here's how to do it without the cursor, but it still uses 1 temp table (will need 2 if Table 2 doesn't have an identity...

  • RE: Select statement


    Calvin, You might want to check why you are submitting duplicate responses. This happened in another topic as well.

    Yeah, sorry about that...our ISP's been ridiculously slow today and I clicked...

  • RE: Select statement

    I think cheongww actually means he wants all records from the 2nd query regardless of whether they fit the criteria of the 1st (has a matching record in all tables).


  • RE: Select statement

    I think cheongww actually means he wants all records from the 2nd query regardless of whether they fit the criteria of the 1st (has a matching record in all tables).


Viewing 15 posts - 511 through 525 (of 541 total)