Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)

  • RE: Web Apps with ten''''s of thousands of users

    Generally I setup a single account on the database server and use table(s) for user logins.  I always encrypt the passwords, if nothing else with md5. 

  • RE: Data Synchronizing with flat files

    Thanks for the info.  I think I'l have to check out their products.  Sounds like what we just might need.

  • RE: Shrinking Large DB Logs

    That's right.  It's normal to have unused space in the log file.  So having a 2 gig file doesn't necessarily mean that 2 gigs of the file are used.  When...

  • RE: Shrinking Large DB Logs

    I also hardly ever shrink a log file unless it grows out of control for some reason. 

  • RE: table help

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Test]

    ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_dbo_Test_amount] DEFAULT 0 FOR [amount]

  • RE: Shrinking Large DB Logs

    I missed the part about the TRUNCATE_ONLY.  Your right...that could cause problems.

  • RE: Shrinking Large DB Logs

    It shouldn’t hurt anything to shrink the database down since it only truncates off data that has already been written to the database.  However, if...

  • RE: what course should i take ?

    From what I've been told 2005 has many similarities to 2000 as far as administering it.  I'm sure there are some differences; I know DTS is now SSIS. 

    As far...

  • RE: what course should i take ?

    Take this for whatever you feel its worth; I’m not an Oracle DBA nor have I been, just MS…


    Maybe it's just me, but I look at things...

  • RE: what course should i take ?

    Let me add to that...some of the items are touched on in the first course you list.  But don't go into detail.  That might be ok for you.  Depends if...

  • RE: what course should i take ?

    I just finished the 2072 course.  It was very good and informative.  I had read many books before hand.  Books are good because you always have them.  I'd say if...

  • RE: T-SQL selecting into variable

    That did it.  Thanks so much for your help!


  • RE: T-SQL selecting into variable

    Thanks for your help.  I've never used sp_executeSql.  I no longer receive errors, but my variable comes back null.  This is what I have:

    DECLARE @SQLStatement2 NVARCHAR(255)

    DECLARE @Myvar int

    select @SQLStatement2 =...

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)