Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

  • RE: Join Table Query help?

    Thanks Jame for your response,

    I managed to get the query working slightly in different way but still using left joins.

    Here is my soloution.


    id.[Invoice No]

    id.[Customer Id]

    ,coalesce(ip.[Amount Paid], 0.0)



  • RE: Space Available for database is 0

    I have checked the logs and i am not getting any errors but the data access has gone very slow.

    I will look at DBCC UPDATEUSAGE in BOL for more information....

  • RE: Help with SQL Query - "The multi-part identifier "alias field Name" could not be bound."

    Guys found the solution to my problem...but with someones help.

    Removed - (select * from customer) --

    and Added INVDATE.[LASTORDERDATE] in Group by



  • RE: Mind Your Manners

    Very good contained article - very much appreciated.

    I have asked questions in forums and i have to admit that i have never been disappointed by SSC community.

    The point I would...

  • RE: Help with Query Design?

    You are right John i had that problem but case statement will handle that.

    case ISNULL(SUM(InvoiceTotals.[Total Net]), 0)

    when 0 then 0.0

    else ((ISNULL(SUM(InvoiceTotals.[Total Net]), 0) -

    ISNULL(SUM(InvoiceTotals.[Total CostBC]), 0)) /

    ISNULL(SUM(InvoiceTotals.[Total Net]), 0))...

  • RE: Help with Query Design?

    Firstly, thank you very much guys for all your help and secondly my apologies for not getting back very promptly.

    Here is the query that worked for. I really appreciate the...

  • RE: Help with Query Design?

    Here is the modified Query




    ISNULL(SUM(InvoiceTotals.[Total Net]),...

  • RE: Help with Query Design?

    Here is the Original Query where [Nominal Code] is Employee Id


    select sum([Total Net]) as TotalNet,sum([Total CostBC]) as TotalCost,

    SD.[Nominal Code],SD.[Employee]

    from Invoicetotals,(select [Nominal Code],Employee

                                  from staffdetails

                                   where department ='Sales' and...

  • RE: Connecting Sql Server 2005 from ASP?

    Good News guys got it all working.

    These are the steps i did, and i dont know but it might help anyone out there.

    Our Webserver is outside DMZ on our network....

  • RE: Connecting Sql Server 2005 from ASP?

    I am failing to understand how would uninstalling and reinstalling SS2005 will solve the problem?


  • RE: Inserting Records to 2 different database?

    Thank you for responding very quickly.

    I will get you the exact error message tommorrow. I am at home now.



  • RE: Complex queries joining 3 tables?

    thanks  guys for all your suggestion. I will try them out and see how it goes.



  • RE: Debugging stored procedures in Visual Studio


    What i have read so far is you can only debug stored procedure in visual studio's enterprise edition and not in any other version.





  • RE: Using In Statement in Stored Procedure?

    Thank you all guys for your response. This is the first time i have asked anything in this forums and i will definitely come back.



  • RE: Using In Statement in Stored Procedure?

    Hi Guys n gals

    I have found the solution to my above problem

    follow this link



Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)