Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)

  • RE: Need help in modifying script to change fill factor on DBCC DBREINDEX

    I am bit confused as to why you want to do this, but if all you want to do is use a fixed fill factor of 90 for ALL tables,...

  • RE: select record not in one table in another table

    "Select 1.." basically means that you are not interested in fetching any columns, but only want to check whether a row exists for the specified where clause.


  • RE: Check txt ext exists using dts

    As long as you can build the filename - you can use an undocumented extended procedure called xp_fileexist to check if the file exists. The following link may help you with...

  • RE: Modifying record for duplicate value

    If this table is not too large, (upto maybe a 100k rows) - then you can use the following set based approach.

    create table test select (appNo int, appdate datetime)

    insert into test select...

  • RE: select record not in one table in another table

    If you need to get the columns only from the OcchEmp table, then you can use something like the following sql statement without resorting to dynamic SQL. I am assuming...

  • RE: Converting Integer to literal text value if NULL

    Its probably because the Integertest column is defined as an Integer, and when the column is NULL, the query is trying to return a string of 'null integer'.

    You may need...

  • RE: Horizontal Partioning

    There arent any fixed rules on when to use horizontal partitioning, but its generally suitable for large tables, particularly if you have a sliding window scenario with historical data in...

  • RE: suppress underline in output file

    You could use your query in a DTS and export the file without the column names. I believe its a checkbox called First Row has Column Names on one of...

  • RE: Add comment block to existing procedures

    The 8000 or whatever limit is in SQL 2000 Query Analyzer. This limit did not exist in SQL 7. You could probably install just the SQL 7 client somewhere and...

  • RE: Capturing product affinities

    Assuming the structure of the Invoice & InvoiceDetail to be as follows with the sample test data

    create table Invoice (InvNum int NOT NULL identity(1,1), InvDate datetime NOT NULL)

    create table InvDetl...

  • RE: suppress underline in output file

    In Query Analyzer, Click on Tools-Options and on the Results Tab, Uncheck the Print Column Headers box.


  • RE: Add comment block to existing procedures

    Pretty sure you must have done this part already - Append the SET options and modify the column data to ALTER PROCEDURE.

    You can then export the data in the...

  • RE: Trigger to return SqlCommand

    Like the Ninja says - if you execute dbcc inputbuffer as in your script, you would get the dbcc inputbuffer as the last line executed.

    My best suggestion would be to...

  • RE: backup script

    I have used the following script in the past to delete speicifc old backups. You would obviously need to change the dates, and ensure that you have the required permissions...

  • RE: Query

    If you are just interested in raising an error if one of the other "types" exists then you can use the following

    if exists (select top 1 1 from dbo.YourTable where...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)