Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 137 total)

  • RE: Issue with DB Mainteaince

    Thanks.. I do aggree with you but the client I work for has an inhouse app (which is actually a db backed by sp and history) to standarize these jobs....

  • RE: Issue with DB Mainteaince

    Last succesful run took around 4 hours. 🙁

    I am talking with Managment to force the change

    However, is there any way to trace the stress level for the server during that...

  • RE: Can not Check properties of DB

    Assuming you have correct access... There may be issue with coaliation also... However I would recomend to use below steps:

    1. Verify your access

    2. Run sp_helpdb on the DB

  • RE: How to stop a sql job after certain time of execution?

    Thanks Mark

  • RE: Monitoring

    Thanks a lot.. It really gave me an idea.

    I will try to share my final thoughts here too 😀

  • RE: Page file

    This is the smallest unit where SQL Server stores data phically.

    Server refer to each page to work with data.. Please refer to MS website or google SQL Server Architecture for...

  • RE: Problems with backup on SQL server

    Looks like some disc related issue to me (May be I am wrong),,

    Can you take a full backup manually using TSQL and see what it is doing?


  • RE: Monitoring

    We are trying to make a standard here which we may share among the organazation as a standard monitoring events. It should cover all the typical issues from all areas...

  • RE: Monitoring

    Any idea plz... :rolleyes:

  • RE: uninstall an instance from a cluster

    Both way will work

    Also if you uninstall a node from a cluster, it will uninstall only that instance 🙂

    Not all instance from the node

  • RE: uninstall an instance from a cluster


    Please follow below steps.. You will be good to go...

    1. Start SQL Setup by logging in in console mode

    2. Select mainteaince option

    3. Select setup option to remove the node


  • RE: Advice needed for reading csv

    Thanks.. Is there any site which will show me the pros and cons of both the approach?

    Thanks a lot

  • RE: Emergency Help Needed

    Thanks.. But is not .dmp will have dump infos from Server? Could you please tell me the reason why should I add .dmp in the monitoring systems?

  • RE: Emergency Help Needed

    Milllions of thanks to you both. It really helped me a lot..

    Have a nice evening 😀

  • RE: Connect ti DB via a ASP.NET issue

    Must be some issue with DBLogin or IIS Configaration.. Did you check the error log? It should give you better understanding

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 137 total)