Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 44 total)

  • RE: Carriage return in txt file

    The way I work this is:


    @CrLf char (2)

    SET @CrLf = char(13) + char(10)

    select @cmdtxt = "echo "+ @string1_to_write + @CrLf + @string2_to_write + @CrLf" >> c:\temp\myfile.txt"

    I had a rough time...

  • RE: Read Registry on Remote Computer


    Well, I finally figured it out.  I had the 'table name' misspelled!  What a bummer, but if you're still interested, here's the script:


    ' by Butch Hoffman - 29-Jan-2005

    ' This script...

  • RE: Read Registry on Remote Computer


    I understand, and I have several scripts actually working, but I'm still new at this and I was looking for the piece that would add the records to a database.


  • RE: Read Registry on Remote Computer


    Do you by any chance have a .VBS example that will read the registry and stuff the info into either an Access or SQL database?  I'd be most interested.


  • RE: Importing Data Automatically AND Run SQL task too


    You didn't state whether your files to import all have a common .EXT, but if they do, you can use a DOS Copy command like this

    copy /y drive:\path\*.csv drive:\path\import_me.txt

    Then you only...

  • RE: Whats All About

    I, too, think that this site is ACES!  I've learned so much here and BOL is sometimes so hard to find stuff in it's rediculous.  I'm sure there'll be lot's...

  • RE: Text Conversion Problem


    Look at this article on

    It has ALL the code you need, all you have to do is make some simple changes to meet your needs and it works.


  • RE: Stored Procedures, can not access design view

    It may be something as simple as using the MS Access Linked Table manager and refreshing the links.

  • RE: Automated fields ?


    Check BOL for "Cast and Convert"

    Here's some examples of JUST date or JUST time or both:

    select  CONVERT (varchar(20),GetDate(),100) --Gets default date/time

    select  CONVERT (varchar(12),GetDate(),101) --Gets JUST the date

    select  CONVERT (varchar(12),GetDate(),102)

    select  CONVERT...

  • RE: StoredProc is slow from ASP but not from QA


    If it was MY call it would be FOUR drives, system, SQL, Databases and Log Files.

    Right now we have System on the first drive, SQL, the databases and logs on...

  • RE: Access denied while copying a file through xp_cmdshell

    I ran into this problem a couple weeks ago.  Found that if I gave the SQL machine (not a user) access to the folder on the network with all privs EXCEPT...

  • RE: StoredProc is slow from ASP but not from QA

    80GB HD, two partitions, database files on 2nd partition
    I've been told that it's really NOT a good idea to put SQL Server on the SAME physical hard drive as...

  • RE: Change Execute Package into Waiting

    I think you could do something in your DTS packages that has a VB Script to check for the DONE file.  Something like:


    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

     Dim objFS

     Set objFS...

  • RE: Automated fields ?

    Have you tried SQL Server's GetDate() function?


  • RE: DTS Package Failed

    I ran into this problem a couple weeks ago.  Found that if I gave the SQL machine (not a user) access to the folder on the network with all privs EXCEPT...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 44 total)