Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Detecting if UniqueIdentifier

    Regretfully, the business requirements don't allow me to denormalize. 

    Anyways, that statement would only work if I could ensure that the text values were never the same length as a...

  • RE: Dynamic Audit Trigger

    why that many temp tables?  can't you just

      set @stmt = 'select @value = cast(' + @colname + '  as varchar(4000)) from inserted'

      exec sp_executesql @stmt, '@value varchar(4000) OUTPUT', @value OUTPUT


  • RE: Dynamic Audit Trigger

    Actually, the number of transactions we have is high, but this is the simplest solution considering the number of interfaces we have into our tables.  And, luckly the update statements...

  • RE: Dynamic Audit Trigger

    We are in the mist of some drastic development changes.  I have over 1200 new columns comming in the next month or two and I have been told that there...

  • RE: Dynamic Audit Trigger

    I thought about that and also about nested if statements.  The big problem is the number of columns in our tables and the fact that we change the columns quite...

  • RE: Dynamic Audit Trigger

    So, there is no way in SQL server to get a record set and enumerate through the columns to get the column value without specifying the name?  I even tried...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)