Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 102 total)

  • RE: SQL Jobs

    I hate to have to suggest this, but a server re-boot might be in order.

    I have had backup jobs decide to fail because they couldn't get enough memory allocated, and...

  • RE: New Column Updates

    One other caveat I thought of with either solution, is that if the column will end up being mandatory aka Not Null, there will need to be a check at...

  • RE: Junior

    Here is one further distinction to further muddy the waters, a development DBA versus a production DBA.

    What do I see the differences to be? Well first off you get to...

  • RE: A Refresher on Joins

    I did some checking on the three proposed types of outerjoins with no data in a second table:

    Note: If you want data from the second table when it exists, then...

  • RE: convert varchar to datetime, including time

    If all you care about in the string is the date portion, then you could just substring off the first chartacters only, and the time will/should default to Midnight.  If...

  • RE: SQL jobs not running

    Two points.

    1 When you manually start the job and it finishes, you have to right-click and refresh job in EM to see the updated status.

    2 Make sure that both the...

  • RE: Connect across database

    Based on my SQL Server 2000 experience, you either need to write dynamic SQL, which you don't want to do, or you need the view, which will have to be...

  • RE: Copy a table?

    The insert statement above is excellent since you already had copied the structure.

    One other suggestions is:

    Use DTS to "export" the data.  You can tell it to copy the structure, as...

  • RE: Enterprise Manager Broken, No databases on the server

    I tried comparing the

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80 and very important the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn

    directory across both computers one file I found missing was: cnfgsvr.ini

    I also compared Common Software drive...

  • RE: Enterprise Manager Broken, No databases on the server

    Well I got lucky.

    I had replace a .ini file on my C: drive, and I rebooted the box today and it worked. Yeah

  • RE: A Guide to Application Memory Tuning

    I agree with the comment of not leaving defaults, as I have seen that that usually means take all be 1 MB of memory.

    I also believe that if you go...

  • RE: Question: Has anyone experienced Tables disappearing wiht SP4?

    Thank you for your response.  I have forgotten what the exact problem was.   I do know I did a restore database.  I think I just re-did the restore and all...

  • RE: Beware of Search Argument (SARG) Data Types


    I will even forward a link to this to the folks at Learning tree who developed their high performance DB course, and while they covered SARGs, they did not cover...

  • RE: The Basics of Sizing a SQL Server Database

    Well, If you say so, it must be recent development however.  In Dec 2004 they were still on Version 3 which was the same as it had been 2 or...

  • RE: The Basics of Sizing a SQL Server Database

    Not much content.

    ERwin WAS a great product, BUT Computer Associates (CA) as is their business model, has not released even bug fixes since they acquired the product.  They have done...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 102 total)