Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 80 total)

  • RE: Maintenance Plans and DR

    Steve Jones - Editor (7/16/2008)

    If you changed the name of the DR server to the original, I'm really stumped as to how the plans are running on the original server.


  • RE: Maintenance Plans and DR

    1) We do not have SSIS installed, therefore we cannot export a package.

    2) When a maintenance plan is created with the SMS wizard, the connection is created as 'local server...

  • RE: Maintenance Plans and DR

    yes, but addserver does not affect the connect set up in the maintenance plans.

  • RE: Maintenance Plans and DR

    We are moving maintenance plans to a DR server with a restore and I need to change the (local) connection to the new server. The maintenance plan screens in...

  • RE: Securityadmin server role permissions

    In BOL it says:

    Members of the securityadmin fixed server role manage logins and their properties. They can GRANT, DENY, and REVOKE server-level permissions. They can also GRANT, DENY, and REVOKE...

  • RE: DBMS Software monitoring

    This is true, however, I thought that some people here might have had the same requirements as we do and could give us some suggestions for software.

  • RE: Job execution times

    I have seen this blog entry. Even though we do execute some jobs from a scheduling package using sqlcmd, I am seeing this problem even when I execute the...

  • RE: Add New Component to existing install

    Does anyone have an answer to this? This server is not production yet, but is scheduled to go live next month. I really need to get the replication...

  • RE: DTS package fails in batch job

    That worked. Thanks.

    Steve Jones - Editor (10/8/2007)

    Sorry, being an ID-10-T here today. Or for sure today, possibly other days as well 🙂

    Save as a VB file (.bas). You should...

  • RE: DTS package fails in batch job

    We do not have Visual Studio available. When I open the Structured Storage file in Notepad, I only see garbage. I have tried saving the file as both...

  • RE: DTS package fails in batch job

    How do I read a Structured Storage file?

    The third package only fails if it is run as a batch job.

    Since we have the same packages on test and prod, we...

  • RE: DTS package fails in batch job

    As I said, there are three packages executing as a group. Each package contains a connection task, one or more stored procedure tasks to update data in a SQL...

  • RE: Backup job finishes incomplete

    I am trying to put a trace on the server to capture the sql execution. 

    I have been checking the SQL Server logs, the event viewer and the SQL backup...

  • RE: Backup job finishes incomplete

    We tested the sproc on out test and development servers before we placed it into production.  This sproc is running on several production servers with no problems.  We have also...

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 Build List

    I have four SQL Server 2005 SP2 installs which show 9.00.3033.00 as the Product Version.  I do not find this in your list.  Can anyone tell me what this build...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 80 total)