Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 91 total)

  • RE: How uninstalling MDAC 2.7

    At the MDAC download page there is a tool called component checker.

    Make sure to download the latest version as the install contains scripts for each version of MDAC...

  • RE: SQL Server is crap!

    I can't speak for personal experience with scalability as the largest app I've worked with only had about 25GB of data and a couple hundred users.

    As for mission critical though,...

  • RE: Disk Space auto checks

    Sounds like your linked servers aren't configured correctly/completely for remote procedure calls. Try one of these..

    Setting the linked server options:

    You can use the sp_serveroption stored procedure to set the...

  • RE: Disk Space auto checks

    I have a stored procedure on each of my servers that I run as a scheduled job. It raises an error when disk space runs over a certain percentage...

  • RE: What's With GetDate() ?

    Another solution would be to use DateDiff with the column and getdate(). Specify Day, Hour, minute, etc according to how precise of a match you care about. Then...

  • RE: Full Text not returning results. Not populating?

    Would it have also worked if I had changed the login account on the MSSearch service to <domain>\SQLServ?

  • RE: Full Text not returning results. Not populating?

    Woops, I see I didn't answer both of your questions. The Builtin\Administrators was not in the Logins.

    Thanks! That did it.

  • RE: Forum/BBS subject line pet peeves rant

    I agree that at times it's a pain to come up with a relevant subject line.

    I think people should keep in mind that it's more important to contain keywords than...

  • RE: Full Text not returning results. Not populating?

    MSSEARCH - Local system account

    MSSQLSERVER - <domain>\SQLServ

    SQLSERVERAGENT - <domain>\SQLServ

  • RE: Forum/BBS subject line pet peeves rant

    Sorry! I know I have a tendency towards being cranky, sarcastic and cynical. As for the newbie thing it just bugs me when people...

  • RE: Truth about Oracle and MSSQL...Help needed

    I think most of the technical aspects have been covered in far greater detail than I am capable (or willing) to go into. However, I'd like to throw in...

  • RE: Splitting a column into Fname Lname

    I rather like SimonSabin's approach.

    It would allow you to handle more special cases such as multiple spaces, single names and counting the number of tokens to determine if their...

  • RE: Open Source ASP Enterprise Manager in Design Phase

    Naturally it would depend on how the final product turned out but I would say yes that I would use the open source tool. One of the annoying I've...

  • RE: Just gotta gripe...

    I had a similar problem with a DTS package. I was using a transform to load data from a text file to a table. One of the columns...

  • RE: Adding RAM memory degrades performance?

    I have no explanation for this, but....

    I've observed in some machines that when I upgraded the RAM they would slow down. The BIOS would display the correct...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 91 total)