Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 211 total)

  • RE: Storing files in VLDBs, filegroups and maintenance

    Please, let's not start the religious war on whether blobs even belong in the database at all - that's not what this thread is about. For several reasons, in...

  • RE: Storing files in VLDBs, filegroups and maintenance

    The performance merits of storing different parts of the database on separate disks (actually disk arrays) is obvious - you get more spindles working for you and perhaps even more...

  • RE: Storing files in VLDBs, filegroups and maintenance

    I was seeing ms/IO (from fn_virtualfilestats) of over 80 in my 170 Gig database that is about 70Gig Blobs and 100 Gig other data. I decided to put the...

  • RE: The Identity Debate

    I am amazed at the lack of responses from the religious left this time around.

    We always design for replication, we use it fairly often. And records generally get created...

  • RE: A New Year

    I intend to work less, make more, and help Ms. South Carolina achieve world peace and learn to read maps.

  • RE: char or nchar ?

    Good answer Bill.  I had almost the same reply half typed up when I went back and saw your answer.

  • RE: char or nchar ?

    I'm confused.  Is the question "char or nchar" as the title states? or "char or varchar" as the answers are running?

    Char or Nchar (or varchar vs Nvarchar) is the choice to...

  • RE: Splitting Index, Log and Data

    My philosophy on the whole setup is that the allocation of files was just wrong.  While you may have hardware issues, you're asking each array to hold widely different types of data instead...

  • RE: Connection Broken

    Uh, no I can't.  It's not a script.  It's a small Visual Basic program, the contents of which are very specific to your Server, what mail OCX you use, and...

  • RE: Connection Broken

    I approach the problem a little bit differently.  I don't just want to know if the SQL server is running or not, I want to know if my customers can...

  • RE: Mirrored Backups

    Hmmm.  Who among us didn't see that response coming?

  • RE: Mirrored Backups

    Well, probably because I don't really know how!  The existing system works fine and is plenty fast for our needs.  One advantage of doing it the way you suggest would...

  • RE: Mirrored Backups

    Our strategy is to backup across the network from the primary sql server to the backup sql server.  That way if I need to turn the backup into the primary...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 30 May 2007

    I don't mind that I missed this one, I answered for how I HOPED it worked.  The best possible outcome would be for the local backup to finish, and the...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 10 May 2007

    The "correct" answer doesn't satisfy the base requirements!  3 100 gig drives in raid 5 only gives you 200 gig of usable space!!!!

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 211 total)