Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

  • RE: Permission Error When deploying a cube

    I found this helpful. I had to add myself as an administrator to Analysis Services in the destination server...

  • RE: Starting SQL server - error 1068 and error 193

    I just used Windows Explorer and opened C:\Program Files.

    If you find a file called "Microsoft" without the quotes, delete or name it.

    Similarly if you look at C:\...

  • RE: Starting SQL server - error 1068 and error 193

    In my case, I had a file called Microsoft just below c:\Program Files. Once I renamed it, SQL start OK.

    What a scare.

  • RE: SSIS REPLACE Double Quote

    Within TSQL you could try - but with your column name instead of the local variable of course.

    declare @AssetDescr VARCHAR(30)

    set @AssetDescr= 'This has quotes at 6".'

    select @AssetDescr

    SELECT REPLACE(@AssetDescr, '"','in')

  • RE: Losing data string in Union All

    Perhaps the problem is not Excel but UNION. Can you re-arrange the SELECT to pull from a worksheet that has text in col3 first. This will define the destination col...

  • RE: who has the best coursework

    Polar Bear Corporate Education Solutions is good.

  • RE: rewrite code to eliminate isnull

    Nullable columns do cause the query analyzer to double pass - once for nulls and once for non-null.
    May I suggest creating a view of your data to handle the nulls,...

  • RE: create table script

    There is a utility that does this. If the upgrade tools have been installed it can be found in \program files\microsoft sql server\mssql\upgrade\scptxfr.exe  Run with /? to see...

  • RE: killing the LogReader agent process??

    This happens to me when I don't wait a few moments between killing, and restarting it. Patience grass hopper.

  • RE: IAM Page Out of Range

    May I ask what raid controller is installed. We have similare problems on one server. It has adaptec, and I don't know how to check if write caching...

  • RE: Script to see if SQLAgent is running

    This one is, very similar to wzablatzky;

    CREATE TABLE #ProcText (LineText varchar(255) NULL)

    INSERT #ProcText (LineText) EXEC ('exec master..xp_cmdshell ''NET START''')

    SELECT RTRIM(linetext) FROM #ProcText WHERE linetext LIKE '%SQL%' OR linetext...

  • RE: Replcagin NULL Dates with a Blank

    A work-around would be to

    create a view of the original data, but casting the date to varchar, and substituting '' where null.

    CREATE VIEW BlankDate as

    select . . . isnull(CAST...

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    I have used this sequence of commands to tell me if SQL is running, assuming the account can run XP_CMDSHELL.

    CREATE TABLE #ProcText (LineText varchar(255) NULL)

    INSERT #ProcText (LineText) EXEC ('exec...

  • RE: Tape Backups

    One thought - you cannot restore to a point in time this way. I would let SQL backup to disk, then save disk to tape.

  • RE: Maintenance Plan VS Dump Database

    The maintenance plan is probably set up to backup the transaction log prior to db backup. This clears them from the db backup. The plain backup will include transaction log...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)