Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 214 total)

  • RE: Home Sweet Home

    Interesting conversations. Looks like most find the birth home area agreeable. Salmon think the same way!

    I was raised on the coast of California,...

  • RE: Power Tools at Work!

    The last drive I had to destroy contained data more than 5 years old. Not really useful but still needing to be destroyed.


  • RE: Snack Attack


    What's a Dairy Queen? A cow with royal blood or some other type of "queen" that is personally involved with dairy products?

    A Blizzard?...

  • RE: Starting At Home

    Maybe it is time to have a "CyberCrime Treaty" between all countries. If your country does not stop spammers, hackers, phishers and the like then your country is cut off...

  • RE: Starting At Home

    Solve the problem by getting rid of your PC!

    I think somewhere down the road you will only need an appliance to access the internet in a virtual way. Everyone will...

  • RE: Fair Data Mining?

    How about some reverse tier pricing? I like buying tennis shoes. I wear a size 13. But my price is the same as the size 8. So my reasoning is...

  • RE: Heroes

    Jambu - read Tim Morrisons comments on the first page and follow the link about Lenny. You will read about several other heroes that day.

  • RE: Heroes

    I have long had a disdain for "hero" worship of sports figures and Hollywood types. Most are not role models. Even more so today with gazillion dollar incomes that go...

  • RE: DST Ready

    Just an update.  I got this from iPrism this morning:


    I have updated the rating of to "download

    shareware". You should have this rating at your next list...

  • RE: DST Ready

    No, I got brain freeze from riding my snowmachine (that's snow mobile to you outsiders or a 2 cycle horse to Steve) at 100 mph chasing the Sun before it...

  • RE: DST Ready

    Latitude: 61° 13' North

    Longitude: 149° 52' West

    UTC/GMT -9 hours

    Sunrise today is at 10:14 AM in direction 143° Southeast by south

    Sunset tonight is at 3:41 PM in direction 217°...

  • RE: DST Ready

    In going to, my iPrism web filter blocked it and provided the following message:

    "The restricted viewing of this site (, was due to the rating of its...

  • RE: Scary Mining

    "Now we just need businesses to evolve a bit more and ensure their ethics stand well above the blind pursuit of profit as well"

    Chicken or egg?

    Government or business fixes corruption...

  • RE: Lawyer Time

    Q: What do you call a lawyer gone bad?

    A: Your honor.

    Q: What do you call a judge gone bad?

    A: Senator.

    Q: What's wrong with lawyer jokes?

    A: Lawyers don't think they're...

  • RE: Lawyer Time

    1. A good start

    2. Not sure of this one but I heard that there were 2 empty seats. What a shame.

    Why won't sharks attack lawyers?

    Professional courtesy.


    What's the difference between...

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 214 total)