Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Correlated Subquey Join

    WAY WAY Back I was trying to run a query that actually required the use of a correlated subquery and I was having problems. So, I broke it down...

  • RE: Correlated Subquey Join

    I think I got it now - thanks.

    I was trying to do something like this:



    (SELECT SUM(H.Amount)

    FROM cdiHolding H

    INNER JOIN cdAccount A

    ON H.id_Account = A.id_Account)

    FROM cdAccount A

    Or like this:



    (SELECT SUM(H.Amount)

    FROM cdiHolding...

  • RE: Correlated Subquey Join


    I need a know-it-all cause I still don't understand.

    Using your DDL to create the tables:

    Since This(Query A):

    Select H.Amount

    FROM cdiHolding H, cdAccount A

    WHERE H.id_Account = A.id_Account

    {returns 1, 1000, 10, 100}

    Is EXACTLY...

  • RE: Correlated Subquey Join

    NPeeters - thanks for the reply. (I hate the howevers - but...)

    Your statement:

    "You shouldn't perform the join in the SELECT clause of the outer query."

    confuses me as I have to...

  • RE: Correlated Subquey Join

    Thanks John for the reply.

    However, the key point is that not only does it take longer to run - but it returns incorrect results. Please read on...

    In standalone queries,...

  • RE: CASE Statement (again)


    Sorry - did not mean to offend you at all - I do appreciate your help.

    I'm simply frustrated w/ T-SQL and would like other people to try this simple test...

  • RE: CASE Statement (again)

    Thanks rmarda - but still no go.

    You state "since the ELSE shouldn't get considered." - that is still the problem.

    If you notice in my last post - the problem arises...

  • RE: CASE Statement (again)

    To clarify even further:

    This works:

    CASE @TotalAmt

    WHEN 0 THEN 9999

    ELSE (CAST(ISNULL(ValueAmt, 0) AS DECIMAL) / @TotalAmt) * 100

    END AS APercent

    I Get 9999

    - HOWEVER -

    If I have this and @TotalAmt =...

  • RE: CASE Statement (again)

    Thanks but no cigar.

    @TotalAmt is in fact a decimal(38,3)

    So - the WHEN 0 part DOES fire !


    CASE @TotalAmt

    WHEN 0 THEN 0

    ELSE 'X'

    END AS APercent

    - WITH -

    CASE @TotalAmt

    WHEN 0 THEN...

  • RE: Order By and Stored Prox

    OK - I got it!!!!!!!!!!!

    The problem IS the CASE statement itself. It's return value is based on the HIGHEST ORDER datatype of the return value(s). So - varchars...

  • RE: Order By and Stored Prox

    Thanks Antares - but no go.

    The SP will run:

    1) ONLY if I pass column 5 as the sort

    2) It runs - but the sort is not incorrect since it's cast...

  • RE: Order By and Stored Prox

    Here is the error message I receive:

    Server: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure XTester, Line 13

    Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

    Here is the Stored Proc.


    - Comment out this...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)