Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 406 through 420 (of 423 total)

  • RE: Calendar Tables

    The example doesn't really show off the capabilities of a "Time" table. I'm used to very wide tables that contain columns to help you count work days, holidays, fiscal...

  • RE: IsNumber fails cast while IsBigInt passes cast

    I think everyone is totally missing the point that the IsNumeric function succeeds on junk that will fail when you later do a cast. Do your suggestions handle the...

  • RE: Get Your ANSI_NULLs Settings Consistent

    Richard Gibbins (1/27/2010)

    I'm probably stirring up a hornet's nest here but I have a problem with the way you are treating nulls. The whole point of null is that...

  • RE: Get Your ANSI_NULLs Settings Consistent

    andy.gray (1/27/2010)

    Most interesting but I have a little query.

    Why is it necessary to have a function for comparing nullable ints but not for any other data types? Is there something...

  • RE: Get Your ANSI_NULLs Settings Consistent

    I'm happy people are finding some value in the article; I had sent in a rough draft to see if it would be a topic of interest but they published...

  • RE: A Genetic Algorthm Sample in T-SQL

    To keep the code sample very small, I cut some corners. The code that "looks" at the surroundings of the robot assumes a square border around a 10 x...

  • RE: A Genetic Algorthm Sample in T-SQL

    Ben Thul (1/15/2010)

    If it's a 10x10 grid and the robot gets 200 moves, wouldn't an optimal solution be to traverse the grid in a zig-zag pattern (i.e. left-to-right across row...

  • RE: Validate Deployed Databases by Version

    aperregatturv (1/14/2010)

    Even thought the idea is ok but its not feasible in the production environment. we have hundreds of tables and views and stored procedures and we cannot include everything...

  • RE: A Genetic Algorthm Sample in T-SQL

    If you run the included "DecipherDNA" script and do a "select *" at the bottom of it, you will see all 243 possible views numbered. These are the...

  • RE: A Genetic Algorthm Sample in T-SQL

    "nsewc" is the specific view which defines the precise dna action that will be performed. The "a" is the action the robot will do which is either move one...

  • RE: A Genetic Algorthm Sample in T-SQL

    I'm so happy everyone is finding this article potentially useful. I apologize for "hiding" the rules table as a math formula instead of implementing it as a real table...

  • RE: statistical analysis of RAND()

    Pseudo-random numbers in SqlServer had 32K different values when I investigated them in version 6.5.  Since v6.5 had problems with the "hot spot" on tables due to page locking, I...

  • RE: How to print duplicate columns values

    -- if you want to see the statuses of the duplicates, do a self join:

    -- pubs db

    -- get titles with multiple authors only

    select distinct





     titleauthor ta1


     titleauthor ta2 on ta1.title_id=ta2.title_id and ta1.au_id...

  • RE: Querying information_schema with database as parameter

    Are you familiar with "exec()"?

    declare @db nvarchar(100)

    set @db='pubs'

    exec('SELECT * FROM '+@db+'.information_schema.COLUMNS')

  • RE: Querying time values spanning 2 days

    I hope that post on relative work span offsets made sense.  Create a view on your original table to handle the decimal to datetime conversions and hide that complexity forever. ...

Viewing 15 posts - 406 through 420 (of 423 total)