Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 172 total)

  • RE: Divide by Zero Error

    One of the nicest things about the Case statement is you can use it whereever a scalar value is expected.  You can nest them several levels deep.  They are really...

  • RE: Text Data Appending

    sounds like you don't have permissions to write to the file under the credentials specified for the job.

  • RE: problem with ntext ?

    As far as I know, an NVarChar is going to be limited to about 4000 unicode characters.  Is your data/field going to be larger than that?  If so, you will need...

  • RE: result come out then invalid procedure call

    first guess would be one or more of the rows in the BUSNAME column has a null in it.  second guess would be that you are not finding some of...

  • RE: cant dts up flat file due to date column

    I agree with PW above.  I always import data to varchar fields and then run a series of data validation checks.  You'd be surprised what passes for dates in some...

  • RE: problem with ntext ?

    I think that limit is about 4030 characters for NVarChar, then you move to NText and have to start using READTEXT,WRITETEXT,UPDATETEXT. NText will give you 2GB bytes for the field.

  • RE: MDAC Compatibility

    Its best to have the same version on both, if you can't do that, put the 2.8 on the server until you can upgrade the machines that talk to it. ...

  • RE: MDAC Compatibility

    We've been using MDAC 2.8 on all our systems - including servers - for a long time, no issues have shown up so for our mixed environment it went smoothly. ...

  • RE: Importing from Excel to Access

    Access is always very picky on imports.  So much that it often ends up doing things to you rather than for you.  Check the data types on the columns on...

  • RE: How can you tell if a file has finished downloading?

    You might consider having the ftp process send a fifth file, use this fifth file as the indicator that your other four files have completed when the DTS runs.  this...

  • RE: Optional parameters

    You can do the same thing without dynamic sql

    create proc myproc @unit nvarchar(10)=NULL,@invdate datetime=NULL,@invno nvarchar(10)=NULL


    select * from mytable


        (@unit = unit or @unit is null)


        (@invdate = invoice_date or...

  • RE: How to Use EOF - end of file

    your issue is that the first loop moves the data pointer to the end of the list (EOF) and you didn't reset it for the second loop.  Try something like...

  • RE: Control of Parameter Layout Design

    my goof.  i thought you might be working in a programming language and using a grid object.

  • RE: Control of Parameter Layout Design

    Add another column to the grid that contains your ordering information, then hide that column.

  • RE: What is the best way to store PDF files in db?

    in addition to using a UNC path name, set up an alias in your DNS so that if you hvae to move it you don't have to update the database...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 172 total)