Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 166 through 172 (of 172 total)

  • RE: Help using cloumn name as parameters!!

    or you could set up the where clause to be a big case statement and not use dynamic sql at all.


    where @value = case @name

        when 1 then col1value


  • RE: Stored Procedure and Batch File Problem

    Is it possible that one or more of the files will exist in the target directory already?  If so then XCOPY will prompt you to overwrite the file in the...

  • RE: Sql Server 2005 June CTP installation problem

    at the SQL Server Roadshow they said that there are order dependencies for the June CTP, it should be installed on a clean box and then install the APRIL Visual...

  • RE: odbc connection breaks with long running query

    I had a similar situation with a query that was processing a little more data each day.  Eventually it ran longer than the default timeouts would allow so I had to set them...

  • RE: Calling All Editing Buffs

    i really miss the rectangular copy feature of Brief, how many times do you get an email thats got text pasted in column formatting that you only want to use...

  • RE: Need Help with Crystal Reports 10 error

    sounds like you are joining a varchar/char and a number column to make your result set.  ie select 'Item: ' + ItemNumber.  you need to convert ItemNumber to a character string...

  • RE: 1 Report for 9 databases

    no problem, create a stored procedure where you UNION or UNION ALL the results together.  then use the proc as the source data for your report.

    Create Procedure MultiDatabase


    select 'DB1', field1,...

Viewing 7 posts - 166 through 172 (of 172 total)