Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)

  • RE: Closing form

    Try setting the recordsource property in the OnLoad event instead of OnOpen. You should not have to execute the statement Me.Requery. Also, make certain your RecordSource is empty in the...

  • RE: Insert HyperLink.

    Access isn't storing a hyperlink, merely data that is interpreted by Access as a hyperlink due to the field type chosen. You can store up to 3 parts, the text,...

  • RE: Linked Tables, Changing from Production DSN to Test DSN

    Sorry, an .adp is a Microsoft Access Project as opposed to a .mdb which is a database. Since you are dealing with sql data, if you have no need of...

  • RE: Linked Tables, Changing from Production DSN to Test DSN

    For what it is worth, moving to an .adp as I did just recently makes this far easier. You simply change the connection string from the menu File|Connection...

    There are some...

  • RE: error 18456


    We had the same error appear on certain machines in our office and could never overcome them. It was not such a big deal since, as you say, they simply...

  • RE: Geo-Bee


    Don't our kids make us proud and at the same time cause us to feel that they are so far ahead of us at the same age. I've got 4...

  • RE: slow performance

    You ought to be using ADO instead of DAO. This example has not been tested. In the Code window of your form, put some code like this at the bottom:

    Private Function...

  • RE: slow performance

    Do the values you need from the SQL table change very often? If not, I'd spin through them creating a value list that I assign to the combobox instead of maintaining...

  • RE: SHA-1 Is Broken

    ChoicePoint, like our industry, is regulated by the FCRA and the recently passed FACT Act. FACT stands for Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions and applies to nearly all of ChoicePoint's services. Accuracy...

  • RE: SHA-1 Is Broken

    Speaking from a credit reporting agency perspective (not ChoicePoint), we have a big incentive to "get it right." From my perspective, our foremost incentive is our own integrity and deep appreciation...

  • RE: slow performance

    I highly recommend using stored procedures that are called from Access. A great book on the subject is Microsoft Access Developer's Guide to SQL Server by Sams. Lot's of great...

  • RE: SHA-1 Is Broken

    This reply may get me booed off the forum but here goes...

    I've worked in the credit reporting industry for more than 25 years. There...

Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)