Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 2,371 through 2,385 (of 2,462 total)

  • RE: Run EXE from Stored Procedure

    include following script in your Stored Proc

    declare @sqlcmd varchar(200)

    SET @SQLCmd = 'copy c:\dba\sampl.xls c:\dba\sampl_2.xls'

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @SQLCmd , no_output 🙂

  • RE: XML to SQL Server 2005

    you must understand the Concept if XML before using it

    please go for BOL at

  • RE: sql query to find statement currently executing in sp

    Gila are genius....i always find reply everywhere and with sounded logics:):)

    welll r u DBA or Developer and from which country?

  • RE: How to store DBCCresults ?

    check this link

    have i provided right answer ????:)

  • RE: How to store DBCCresults ?

    hi gila ,

    i need to pass spid as parameter

    so its giving error :

    declare @spid int,@lstr varchar(100)

    set @spid = 52

    set @lstr = 'insert into Sp_info dbcc inputbuffer( ' +cast(...

  • RE: How to get errorlog via email?


    Follow the 3 steps sequencially and forget about JOB.:) where ever you calling

    FAILURE_NOTIFICATION ,dont pass parameters

    step 1 :

    create table #error_status


    logdate datetime,Processinfo varchar(20),text nvarchar(4000))


    step 2 :


  • RE: sql query to find statement currently executing in sp

    you need to pass SPID or hard coded it

    use following script

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#Sp_info](

    [Eventtype] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,

    [parameters] [int] NULL,

    [eventinfo] [nvarchar](max) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    declare @spid int,@lstr varchar(100),@text nvarchar(max)


  • RE: How to get errorlog via email?


    1.Modify sp_send_cdosysmail proc with my script

    2. call above SP in FAILURE_NOTIFICATION proc .

    And sorry I couldn’t reply you yesterday as I left at 6 30 IST 🙂


  • RE: SQL Training, please!?

    i also in queue with vrailean ...actually i want do SQL server certification 2005 ..can somebody give me some papaers or notes 🙂

  • RE: Table level Backup

    if it would happened say on wednesday .....then do we require to restore the differential of mon amd tuesday...if yes then what would be the sequence ???

  • RE: Capture Identity ID in insert stmt of SP

    Try This........Hope this will give required results

    create procedure [dbo].[P_EMP_INSERT](@PARTYID BIGINT, @NAME VARCHAR(200), @DOB DATETIME)



    begin transaction


  • RE: Counting Lines in data file

    i m not sure but that file may contain commented line(those 4 line)...this ia a blind might help you 😉

  • RE: Populating an IDENTITY column

    i really dont understand ur need actually ....u have one column with identity propertiy in sql table and u want to update that table which actually doesn't contain any...

  • RE: How to get errorlog via email?

    create table #error_status


    logdate datetime,Processinfo varchar(20),text nvarchar(4000))

    insert into #error_status

    exec sp_readerrorlog

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = '',

    @recipients = '',

    @query = 'select top 10...

  • RE: Full backup is not overwriting?

    if you generate backup script from management studio either for APPEND option OR for OVERWRTIE option

    ,you cant see any difference in scripts.

    only you can do is ,generate a backup...

Viewing 15 posts - 2,371 through 2,385 (of 2,462 total)