Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 33 total)

  • RE: SQL Database Restore to maintain parallel environment

    They are not in the same network ( 2 different offices - one hosting the product and database and other the customer using the product) and they cannot be linked...

  • RE: If statement within a Where Clause

    If you just want to check for null, you can use the following:

    Select * from TableNameWhere Firstname = ISNULL(@Firstname, FirstName)

    and Surname = IsNull(@Surname, SurName) and EyeColor = ISNULL(@EyeColor, EyeColor)

    Hope this...

  • RE: Snapshot Agent in Transactional Replication

    Thanks Suresh. Will only the changes to schema be replicated or will the entire schema be copied over (as in initial snapshot)?

  • RE: Query to replace special characters with _

    Thanks for the help. I could go with regex.

  • RE: data type of columns in views

    Here is the table DDL. It does have other columns in addition to these

    CREATE TABLE delivered_service


    delivered_service_id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    release_note_ind char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ('F'),




  • RE: Another grouping query

    Since you wanted it specific to each student, the query doesn't return any result (since you don't have any student related information). If you have a separate table for students,...

  • RE: Another grouping query

    Here is the first shot at the queries. There could be effeicient ways of doing this as well.

    Query 1:


    select y.ted_st_id,


  • RE: Join To Same Table Question

    You can use inner join instead of left join if both ParentNodeId and ChildNodeId are non-nullable




    po.prodnodeid as [Parent Node],

    co.prodnodeid as [Child Node],

    pc.sysclassname as [Parent Class],


  • RE: DateAdd in SQL Vs Excel

    I followed David's logic to get the following

    declare @a datetime

    set @a = '10/31/2006'


    case when day (@a) day(dateadd(month, 6, @a)) then

    dateadd(day, day(@a) -...

  • RE: DateAdd in SQL Vs Excel

    Thanks much David. This indeed is a very good one.

  • RE: DateAdd in SQL Vs Excel

    Thanks much for the input David. This is only for month addition and I guess there is no built-in T-SQL function that I could use for this.

  • RE: DateAdd in SQL Vs Excel


    I tried the formula that you have given in Excel and it always returns the last day of the 3rd month which is not the equivalent of dateadd(month, 3, date)....

  • RE: Recomendations and opinions please


    Thanks a lot for the info. It would be great if you could post information like number of sections; number of questions in each section; time constraint, if any for...

  • RE: Recomendations and opinions please

    Hi all,

    can anyone explain more about simulations? Do they expect us to get each click correct or is it just required to perform what is required irrespective of how many...

  • RE: TOP 1 Per Group


    You can use the following query :




    from#test a

    inner join (select


    max(atime) Atime

    from #test

    group by fkid


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 33 total)