Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)

  • RE: publishing sql 2008 R2 to 2005

    this is a further question along the same lines..

    due to time phasing of upgrades, there will be a time gap in migrating all servers to SS2008 (on Windows Server 2008).


  • RE: XML Showplan

    ok..Gail, really, thanks..

    but, the restriction that all xml output should go to a single file is really not that important because even if I create many files, I could write...

  • RE: XML Showplan

    in SSMS, I have the results going to a text file.

    I bracket my query with the set showplan_xml on, and off

    When I hit the F5, it asks me to...

  • RE: 5MB Inline Inserts to TempDB

    yes, Sir... I smile with you...And thank you for giving us your general quantification. Your categories go to the crux of the problem. I, and I'm sure, the rest...

  • RE: 5MB Inline Inserts to TempDB

    I have now tried the UNION that unionizes each row values and references a single table in the INSERT as suggested by one of you. This was a little improvement....

  • RE: 5MB Inline Inserts to TempDB

    I have some new information on this issue.

    I went ahead and purchased Itzik Ben-Gan new book on T-SQL Querying (this is not a plug for his book but it...

  • RE: sql server 2000 client licensing

    thank you very much gentlemen...very good information

  • RE: Deadlock in SQL Server 2000

    Ken/Sharma,  Thank you very much for your help.

    And Sharma, your explanation on how to interpret the information was great!!!.

    Phenomenal was your insight that too many rows are qualified by...

  • RE: Performance Issue


    Nothing conclusive can be said from the information you've provided. However, I think the issue may be that you're out of CPU. Do this to isolate. Check in task...

  • RE: Create a view from a view

    We all know why views are great. In fact, I built a reporting system based on views upon views. The chains got four or five levels deep.

    I knew it...

  • RE: Joining group queries

    I think your query is wrong. I think what you want is this:

    SELECT     SiteHits.BotName,

    COUNT(SiteHits.BotName) AS N,

    COUNT(MGD_SiteHits.BotName) AS TTL

    FROM         SiteHits CROSS JOIN

                          MGD_SiteHits MGD_SiteHits

    GROUP BY SiteHits.BotName


    And I get the correct result...

  • RE: REPLACE() within a TEXT column gives error

    I added the closing parenthesis to the CAST function....

    I made it work by casting the text column to varchar.

    I presume that you are dealing with url that are no longer than...

  • RE: REPLACE() within a TEXT column gives error

    I made it work by casting the text column to varchar.

    I presume that you are dealing with url that are no longer than 8000 bytes and so casting the text to...

  • RE: Creating Views: Changing column names

    The request is to aggregate based on the country column, and each row in the Order table will be counted as one.  We can do this readily using the GROUP...

  • RE: Creating Views: Changing column names


    try this:



        WHERE  TABLE_NAME = N'Spain_Orders')

        DROP VIEW Spain_Orders


    CREATE VIEW Spain_Orders



     [Order ID],



     [Order Date],

     [Required Date],

     [Shipped Date],

     [Ship Via],


     [Ship Name],

     [Ship Address],

     [Ship City],

     [Ship Region],


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)