Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: The Best Computer

    The android "Data" from Star Trek.

  • RE: Versions of Disaster

    We have implemented an SQL Server instance inventory systems which consists of an SSIS polling mechanism and a centralized database repository. Among the many things we track on a...

  • RE: Maintenance Plan failures....

    Phill Carter (12/11/2008)

    I got the same problem in SQL 2008 and found this page when searching for a solution to changing ownership of the maintenance plans. The 2005 script doeasn't...

  • RE: Urgent ! need to map SQL authenticated ID to IP

    In cases where traffic to a SQL Server needs to be restricted to certain machines, I simply get with the network team and have them setup routing rules through the...

  • RE: No local server names available when connecting to database engine

    dg (11/26/2008)


    The service is running. Even though I tried to install so that the instance is on my local machine, where do I check server accepts remote connections?


    For SQL...

  • RE: Cann't take backup on Network Drive

    tosscrosby (11/26/2008)

    Benjamin Lotter (11/26/2008)

    It probably has nothing to do with permissions and everything to do with the fact that you can't point a native SQL backup to a UNC...

  • RE: No local server names available when connecting to database engine

    By default, when you install SQL, it adds the group "BUILTIN\Administrators" to the SQL Server with the sysadmin server role. The fact that get this error indicates that you...

  • RE: install SQL 2008

    Can you provide more details? I've been using SQL Server 2008 for over a year now (since CTP5) and I have never had any problems connecting remotely.

    Are you using...

  • RE: SQL Server 2008 - Restricting DDL Access

    You should do this through a new database role that you create.

    Here's a simplified example

    USE A

    CREATE ROLE db_executor

    GRANT EXECUTE TO db_executor

    Now add the role db_executor to the X user in...

  • RE: Need to implement some sort of auditing

    Here's another option but it would not be very practical in a development environment.

    (1) Limit table access to stored procedures.

    (2) Have the stored procedure perform the select and log to...

  • RE: ssis foreach loop

    Jamie Thompson has a clear example of this.

  • RE: No local server names available when connecting to database engine

    Integration Services is shared and by it's default server connection is "." or in other words "localhost". The other components mentioned are installed on a per instance basis. ...

  • RE: Multiple Ports

    I have accomplished this requirement by the following steps.

    (1) Install a named instance and set it a static TCP port (under IP All). (for example, 4532)

    (2) Configure a "default"...

  • RE: Maintenance Plan failures....

    /*Here's how to change the owner of a maintenance plan to dbo in SQL Server 2005*/

    --to find the name and owner of the maintenance plan

    --select * from msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages90

    --to find the...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)