Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 526 through 532 (of 532 total)

  • RE: SP not working same on SQL 2008 as SQL 2005

    Without seeing the VB.Net, it's a bit hard to speculate ... especially in terms of what's getting logged and what log you're referring to and what kind of error checking...

  • RE: Error on rollback transaction,how can we solve this

    Everything that you want to have happen together (either all committing or all rolling back) goes in the same TRY block. If any part of that block of code...

  • RE: How many times can you install SQL Server 2008 with the same product key

    Haven't had issues with SQL 2008 specifically, but I have had cases where the MS license server locked out a particular key. I had un-installed and was trying to...

  • RE: csv bulk insert with variables

    If this is an everyday (or at least very regular) process, I would highly suggest taking the opportunity to learn and use SSIS.

  • RE: syntax of while loops

    Looks like the placement of the 'End' on your 'If' is preventing the cursor from looping, try ...




    if @Statisticvalue <= 100


    Set @strExec=N'Insert'+' '+'demo2'+' '+'(Databasename,SchemaName,Tablename,


    Set @strExec=@strExec+'Select'+' '+''''+@Database+''''+','+





    +'Convert(varChar(100), '+@ColumnName+')'+','



    Set @strExec=@strExec+' '+'From'+'...

  • RE: Error on rollback transaction,how can we solve this

    Seeing as how this is posted in the 'SQL Server 2008' section, you should be using TRY/CATCH blocks instead. (The TRY would include the commit and the CATCH would...

  • RE: Importing data with SQL Management Studio remotely vs locally

    When you're local the whole file needs to come over the network to your local box and then back again across the network to be inserted into the database. ...

Viewing 7 posts - 526 through 532 (of 532 total)