Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Fantasy football

    If the league can handle another, count me in.

  • RE: fairly new to MDX: how to return a list of dimension members (one attribute)

    it has been a while since i have fired up AdventureWorks, but


    [Customer].[Customer].Children on 0

    from [Adventure Works]

    will return the customer name for all customers in this rather flat hierachy, exluding...

  • RE: grouping by MDX

    Yes, I think I may have answered an outdated version of the question. Is the problem then:

    count of all customers to which a sale has been made, by age?

  • RE: grouping by MDX

    shouldn't SET FilteredSet AS count in the second line, be just a tuple to define the set? That is: Set FilteredSet as (Dimensions that define the set)

    In other...

  • RE: Calculated measure

    As a general form for Percent of Set queries, you could use a calculated measure with this syntax

    with member [measures].[percent_rank] as ([Measures].[Impressions],[aDimension].[aHierarchy].CurrentMember) / ([Measures].[Impressions],[aDimension].[aHierarchy].CurrentMember.Parent)

    The first term gets you the portion...

  • RE: grouping by MDX

    If you already have a count measure, usually defined by the cube design wizard in the form "<<MeasureGroupName>> Count",


    select [Measures].[MeasureGroupName Count] on 0,

    FILTER([dimCustomer].[Age].Children, [Measures].[Sales]<>0) on 1

    from <<YourCubeNameHere>>

    Will yield the count...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)