Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Multi-part Articles, Links to Previous Part

    True, and IF the Author has a very small set of previous articles, and/or IF the previous article had a similar name...

    I was fortunate in that the Author only had...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 12 Apr 2006

    This was a 'bad' question. Choice E could never be correct as long as Choice D was above it in the presentation!

  • RE: sql job does not run

    There are two (2) things to enable. The job and the job schedule. Have you checked to determine if BOTH are being enabled?


  • RE: how to add one second

     I meant to write:

    Something like:

    SELECT (dateadd(s,1,getdate()))

  • RE: how to add one second

    Something like:

    SELECT (datepart(s,1,getdate())

  • RE: Is there a way to make DELETEs faster?

    Often, when dropping a table and recreating, or vice versa, is not a good idea. The table may have a complex security (permissions) scheme, and when dropped, all permissions are...

  • RE: Is there a way to make DELETEs faster?

    True, however, if done is a window of no activity, hopefully, there are NO open transactions, and the log would be truncated and flushed rather quickly. I do this quite often and...

  • RE: Is there a way to make DELETEs faster?

    If this could occur during a window when there is no other activity, I would consider switching into 'Simple' (non-logged) mode, delete, the switch back into logged mode. Depending upon...

  • RE: BETWEEN keyword in SQL

    Again, the timestamp datatype has NOTHING to do with time. It is a serialized value that changes every time there is a change to any column in the row -and also...

  • RE: BETWEEN keyword in SQL

    I would shorten the BETWEEN expression to:


    But most importantly, what is the datatype of the column [timestamp]. If it is a 'timestamp' datatype, you will never get...

  • RE: Security Issue

    One option would be to deny their net logins access to the database (or server) -hopefully your network is using groups to contain the various users. Then create an application role...

  • RE: Executing the Contents of a Variable

    or, if you want to make it a scheduled job, create a script file and use osql

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)