Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

  • RE: Restoring Transaction Log

    If you restore with the RECOVERY option then you can not restore additional logs. But if you specify NORECOVERY or STANDBY you will be able to restore more logs. When...

  • RE: Error: 8941 , Severity: 22, State:102

    As mentioned run "DBCC CHECKDB" on the database first of all and see what it recommends. Hopefully it says you should run the command again with the parameter "REPAIR_FAST" or...


    If you are on the same server use a server reference as mentioned. If you in the future need to do the same thing against another server you need to...

  • RE: How to Fix Inconsistent Metadata Errors

    This is so unbelievably on target. I had this exact same problem and MS had no fix for it. THX!!!

  • RE: Security

    Yup, no real way to prevent domain admins to do something malicious unless you disallow domain accounts completely which might not be a good idea. Hopefully the domain admins can...

  • RE: Cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to ope

    We've had the same problem and the reason for the "error" was that the SQL Server 7 database that was moved had a different sortorder/collation than the SQL Server 2000...

  • RE: Security



    While your method will prevent casual poking around in the database, any Domain Admin could easily get into the MSSQL\ directories, even...

  • RE: Development / Testing / Deployment

    Can add that searching trough the mails I have on those lists I get over 200 hits on "parallelism" (not saying all are related to problems but many are). The...

  • RE: Development / Testing / Deployment

    It really depends on what environment you work in. If you only have a few databases on a few server and you have control over all the queries then fine,...

  • RE: Unknown Full-Text failure

    Did you change the SQL Server service account maybe?

    Check this KB:;en-us;Q277549

  • RE: Development / Testing / Deployment

    I prefer to be on the safe side since there have been so many issues with it on SQL7 and there still are on SQL 2000. It's not always it's...

  • RE: Client install created an instance

    First select the option "Create a new instance of SQL Server, or install Client Tools".

    On the next screen enter name and company.

    On next screen agree on license.

    Then on...

  • RE: Development / Testing / Deployment

    There are some issues with parallellism in both SQL Server 7 and 2000 though that could cause your queries to run slower and even return incorrect results when this options...

  • RE: 6.5 DB has ' Loading' Legend on Ent. Manager

    It happends sometimes that a database get stuck in "loading" state when you create it or restore it. Just remove it with sp_dbremove or restore over it as you did.



  • RE: Case Sensitivity and Collations

    Search the index in Books Online (BOL) for "collations" and you will find a lot of info.

    Collations define "rules" for what type of characters you can store in your database...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)