Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 406 through 420 (of 535 total)

  • RE: Load Testing: what would you count?

    The main ones you would want to monitor are the following

    SQL server buffer manager: Buffer cache hit ratio

    Physical disk: Average queue length (do a seperate counter for each disk)

    processor: processor...

  • RE: Some process filling up the space on C drive

    The following few commands may help. They will tell you the size of your databases, you could monitor these to tell you if its the databases that are growing...

  • RE: clustered index

    because a clustered index physically stores the records in that order, therefore as you can only store the data in one order you can only have one clustered index.

    Non clustered...

  • RE: Please help! Job failing (mail failure)

    ok, to test the mail try this...

    exec sp_addmessage @msgnum = 50001 ,@severity = 11, @msgtext = N'Test error'

    ,@with_log = 'True'


    USE [msdb]


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert @name=N'Test Alert',






  • RE: Please help! Job failing (mail failure)

    hmm ok, thats rather odd. Is there any more info in the logs that are not in the failure message your getting in the job history.

    And just to clarify,...

  • RE: Please help! Job failing (mail failure)

    ok. apologies for my first reply btw.

    Do any jobs that notify the operator work? It could be that the agent mail has not been setup to use the database...

  • RE: Please help! Job failing (mail failure)

    ignore what i first wrote! i didnt read the whole post :ermm:

    Have you got a notification on the job outcome? Failure/Success etc?

  • RE: Problem with linked servers in sql 2005

    ok guys ive gone for a mix of the two. Ive created an SP and then call that SP from an OPENQUERY Command bringing the results into a local...

  • RE: Problem with linked servers in sql 2005

    Matt - I would consider using openquery, however i think i like Jacks idea the best. I will give them both a go and let you know the results.

  • RE: Problem with linked servers in sql 2005

    som (4/1/2008)


    Let us know the error message you are getting. Also the Sql Server versions of Target and Source Servers.



    The error message is at the top....

    Msg 8180, Level 16, State...

  • RE: Weird goings on with len() and right() functions

    fantastic, got it!! i now see where the 34 comes from 🙂 with this in mind i checked that right(ltrim(rtrim(name)), (len(name))) gave me the full column name,...

  • RE: Adding a column to a table

    ok, ill shoot myself down. I tried it and Adam is right 😛

    Thats stupid imo 🙂

  • RE: Adding a column to a table

    Adam, i think the whole drop thing and rename etc is only scripted by SSMS when you alter a column (create new table with new structure, copy accross the data,...

  • RE: Weird goings on with len() and right() functions

    Antares, i didnt really have a goal as such, it was just something i was messing about with and i noticed it gave the "wrong" result, hence the post. ...

  • RE: Weird goings on with len() and right() functions

    jkinlaw (3/27/2008)

    The datalength() function may help dx. Len() rtrims before it computes; datalength() doesn't.

    Do note how datalength() returns the true length of unicodes:

    declare @k varchar(10), @nk...

Viewing 15 posts - 406 through 420 (of 535 total)