Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 346 through 360 (of 535 total)

  • RE: Database Mail

    Have there been any changes to the exchange server config that you know of?

  • RE: Memory requirements for SSRS

    Michael Earl (6/17/2008)

    You can limit the database engine that the SSRS databases are running on, but that will not limit SSRS for using memory. SSIS runs as a service...

  • RE: How can I get alerted when jobs are deleted?

    gunna48 (6/3/2008)

    We have several DBAs working on our systems. I had a situation where a job that needed to run was deleted accidently by another DBA. Two weeks passed before...

  • RE: What is the *.cer File (key)?

    i think it has something to do with the service master key which is generated by default on a sql install.

  • RE: unable to kill sleeping spid

    why are you unable to kill the spid? is there an error message saying you cant?

    if you have issues a kill statement issue it again using with statusonly (kill...

  • RE: Cpu Utilization

    from the look of Jeffs post it looks like the CPU usage is taken in snapshots, and they are the results you are seeing in the table. the ID's...

  • RE: deleting an article from replication

    sp_droparticle for transactional and snapshot, sp_dropmergearticle for merge replication. check out the syntax for both in books online.

  • RE: To find who changed password

    yes, your right. anything that affects the sa login would mean this column was updated. Hmm Plan B time

  • RE: To find who changed password

    you can find out when it was changed using

    select updatedate from syslogins where name = 'sa'

    i dont think you can find out by who without having some kind of...

  • RE: Cpu Utilization

    i dont know of a way to do this directly through T-SQL, im sure there is a way tho! One way you could do this is set up a...

  • RE: move file.mdf or file.ldf

    nbaghm (6/1/2008)

    yes i mean user data base..

    ok detach/attach is the way to go. right click on database, detach. move the files in windows, right click databases, attach, point...

  • RE: move file.mdf or file.ldf

    is it for a user database or a system database?

    if its a user database you can just detach the database, move the files and reattach. System databases are a...

  • RE: C:\ drive full in sql server box

    DBA (5/23/2008)

    how do i know when i need to defrag?

    If you go into the disk defragmentation you can do an analysis on the drive before you defrag.

  • RE: C:\ drive full in sql server box

    you can move it but the server will need to be restarted if you do. there must be something else though taking up more space than you thought.

  • RE: C:\ drive full in sql server box

    how big is your page file currently?

Viewing 15 posts - 346 through 360 (of 535 total)